Thumbs Down to Adventure Scuba at CSSP Today

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Another professional thing to do would be to take up the beef with the owner (Meg) or course director (Richard) of the shop.

No one has posted what was said between the two instructors.

The shops that have their designated spots assisted in the construction, materials, and placement of those spots.

Sorry you had a bad experience.
How about this as a solution

Start with a clean slate, no platforms or spots can be claimed, then this saturday at 10:00 am, everyone starts at once, dash to their spots/platforms then first person to pee on a platform claims it!

Drama at two atmospheres! Pissin matches for "spots" :D, I thought this was suppose to be about fun?

The obvious long term solution is more platforms, between the high price and crowds cranking out a few more platforms should be pocket change.

Are there signs on the underwater platform that state the platform is reserved?

What about the "spot" is there signage that no one else is alowed to swim there?

Do i need to apply for a concealed spear gun permit to be able to defend myself against scuba rage?

yea, I'm poking fun, while I can understand someone getting upset over having their class kicked up this entire "spot" thing makes me think "silly"

We clearly don't have enough water in texas when we start having territory fights
Unfortunately for me, fixxervi6 beat me to this comment.
I have been out of town for two weeks. Here are my thoughts, if anyone should care, if you don't care, I am posting my thoughts anyway. Sorry. I am just kind of arrogant that way some times. Sorry.

As I understand the situation, and I may not understand the whole situation, Robert (owner of CSSP) had some grand vision (or business catastrophe) a few years ago to upgrade the park. I completely love this idea! I do! For whatever reason (either mundane business model or imminent business failure), Robert decided to enlist the financial help of sponsors to help him improve the park.

Wow! In some respects, this is an excellent business decision. Get sponsorships to help the owner improve the dive park and improve the overall diving experience for the consumers. What a great idea!

I am not really sure what was done for park improvements. I know I saw some improvements to the picnic pavillions with canopies and all, some additional barbecue grills (critical in Texas), and even a bath house! Wow! Great!

In exchange for these sponsorships, I observe that Robert granted "exclusive reservation rights" of some of the pavillions and platforms to the respective sponsors.
Who am I? I can't tell Robert how to run his business. It's his business. He is free to run it as he sees fit. Fair enough.

Here's the problem. The pavillions are clearly identified with signage that says "Reserved for XYZ Scuba". That, in and of itself, would seem to be fairly straigtforward; except XYZ scuba shop is not there every weekend.

I happen to do a lot of diving throughout the year including the winter months when scuba shops don't really conduct classes. Is this pavillion really reserved for XYZ scuba on Friday, December 31 ?????? Question? I don't believe that. But the sign doesn't offer any reservation dates. What am I to believe? Is XYZ Scuba really going to be using their "reserved" pavillion on December 31? Question?

Additionally, there are no signs posted on the platforms. Do you disagree with me? I challenge to approach a platform (pick one) from underwater and determine if it is "reserved" or not. Can't be done.

The "special" float markers on the surface are just on the surface. They can't be observed from 20 ft underwater. Challenge me.

Moreover, the "special" float markers are some special color like orange as opposed to a neutral white. This is a problem as well. Why is this a problem? As a surface observer standing on land, suppose I am preparing my dive plan (trust me -- some of us actually do this), how am I to know what the white markers mean as opposed to what the orange markers mean? There is no ISO / ANSI standard color coding / marker shaping that is defined as a standard in the recreational diving industry; at least not as it relates to dive site markers. Granted, I believe if you read line #28 of Robert's fine print legaleze that says "Not responsible for drowning" it also makes some mention of the color coding of the markers; but it still doesn't address the other questions I raise here.

Where am I going with all of this? How am I to know that "your special platform" is reserved for you when there is no standardized, internationally recognized specification for identifying "reserved platforms" and no underwater signage indicating such? Yes. I know. There is some goofy sign stuck in the mud landside that says "Orange markers indicate reserved platforms". Again, how am I to know if the platform is reserved on Dec 31 or not? Especially, if I show up to dive and I am only one of five divers in the entire park? What if I am just swimming along lost (does anybody get lost while muck diving?) and I stumble upon your "reserved platform"? Am I to immediately ascend and risk a case of DCS? Am I to descend into the mud? What is the proper protocol?

If you have a reserved platform properly identified with underwater signage, what are the extents of your nautical claim? 10 ft within platform? 30 ft platform? 60 ft within platform? Please explain this to me; because to the best of my knowledge, there is no legal precedent for recreational diving "platform claims". Please help me understand. What are the international geopolitical laws related to the recreational claim of underwater platforms at a dive park? I ask you. The rule of the sea is "first arrival -- first claim -- first possession". Argue with me.

Now, lest you get too mad at me, I can certainly understand the situation where Robert approached dive shops soliciting "improvement sponsorships" in exchange for reserved platforms. I can understand a limited number of dive shops accepting his solicitation. I can certainly accept this scenario if the alternate might be "the CSSP park is closing due to lack of money". I am not suggesting anything here. I am not faulting anyone here for making legitimate business decisions. I am merely pointing out the folly and the lack of adequate, appropriate, conspicuous (even underwater), relevant, timely, and real-time information about the "reservation" status of certain underwater platforms. Note that this requirement of relevant information goes beyond "this platform is ours -- it was marked with a apricot buoy". Please realize I am guy. I see four colors only and I am literate. Post information. Post information above water and -- here's an idea -- post information on the platform!
A shop with an instructor that acts like that will not get my family's business. Grow up and move to a SAFE location. I as an AI would never drop a class, especially open water dive 1, on top of another class. This stuff about reserved platforms seems like crap to me. If you are not there when I get in the water, like richerso, when is it reserved? 24/7? If so this needs to be clear on CSSP rules. I have never been there and if I did not know about this "rule" I might mistakenly use a reserved platform. If I ascended from my dive and the "owner of the platform" did show up I would gladly move my buoy, but otherwise Im thinking the first come first serve rule comes in to play. I am no one and not associated with any shop so this is just all my opinion. If this did happen to me someone would be getting at least a call from PADI. Maybe the police should be out there on stand by to give no trespass tickets for illegal platform use.:shakehead:
Do i need to apply for a concealed spear gun permit to be able to defend myself against scuba rage?


We ARE in Texas afterall......
We've been thinking about driving up to CSSP but the owner of the park should know that this kind of crap doesn't encourage people to visit his establishment! The solution is to barb wire the platforms in question (under and above water) and post no trespassing signs. Did the OP take this up with the management of the park? It really sucks to have to get in a pissin match when all one wants to do is dive and relax.
Another professional thing to do would be to take up the beef with the owner (Meg) or course director (Richard) of the shop.

With all due respect, maybe this person has already tried that in the past, and knows that it wouldn't do any good. I myself have tried talking to both of those individuals, with no luck at all. Meg is completely powerless, owner in name only, if even that. Richard runs the shop, and he doesn't care at all what customers think of the way he runs it. He could do something, but he never does. The board might not be the ideal place to air out something like this, and may not be considered the most professional, BUT, thanks to the world wide web, and free speech, here it is. Richard could avoid some of this by actually talking to people, and caring about what they think.

Now, with that being said...

None of this is Robert's fault, he simply found the best solution to improve his park, and it worked out very well. He can't control the way other divers, and instructors treat others. We have never had a problem stopping to borrow a platform, we just make sure there are no other classes on it first. CSSP is a wonderful place to dive, and VERY nice, especially compared to some of the other dive park options that are out there. Two instructors, had a bad day, and an uncomfortable situation occured. It's one day, one platform, ONE shop, don't take it out on the whole park!

We've been thinking about driving up to CSSP but the owner of the park should know that this kind of crap doesn't encourage people to visit his establishment!

My $.02 is that this is a very weird and isolated incident. An unfortunate one, granted. But hardly reflective of your standard day at CSSP. I really dont think we need to get into an extended discussion about private platforms and all of that because I think we divers, on the whole, get along. And that the typical atmosphere at CSSP is very positive and helpful - esp with all of the students around.

Please dont beat this into the ground. It was a badly handled incident. Move on and do it differently the next time. CSSP is a great place and I would hate for Robert to lose potential customers over something NOT inidicative of the park. CSSP is a place where I have met awesome people and have made good new friends; a place where I learned to dive; a place where I have made forward strides in buoyancy control and becoming a better diver; a place where I have found peace, contentment, and a slice of true happiness.

Gear up and go dive!! You might just see the albino catfish :)

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