Thoughts and Prayers for a speedy recovery...

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KyMermaidDivr once bubbled...
Thanks so much for your well wishes and best regards. Chad, I really appreciated your phone call and thanks for reminding me that I wouldn't be working on Monday! :bonk: Morphine is a wonderful drug! I hadn't been out of recovery too long when Chad had called. :D I hope I didn't reveal any deep, dark secrets, but I know Chad wouldn't tell, if I did. :wink: The recovery is going well, but gee, I'm not the wonderwoman I thought I was, but I do intend to go the Christmas get together on Monday and live vicariously through your taste buds, guys. There may be something I can eat ... we'll see. The best thing will be the company. :) Thanks again and I look forward to meeting those I've not met. I've been going thru Scuba board withdrawal. LOL Sad, isn't it? Talk with you all later.

I didn't mean to call you so soon after you were out. I hope I didn't bother you too much.

I am glad you are back on the board I hope you are feeling better.

Don't worry I won't tell what you told me.........if you have enough money. :wink:

See you Monday.

ckharlan66 once bubbled...

I didn't mean to call you so soon after you were out. I hope I didn't bother you too much.

I am glad you are back on the board I hope you are feeling better.

Don't worry I won't tell what you told me.........if you have enough money. :wink:

See you Monday.


No, Chad, the wonderful thing of morphine is that nothing bothers you! j/k Seriously, your call meant a lot and was a very pleasant surprise, I do remember that much, as :loopy: as I was! I've truly met some wonderful people on this board and look forward to extending that further on Monday night.

Now about the money, Chad ... :eek: can we talk installments ... lifetime installments? OMG, I bet you're thinking money in terms of equipment. Can't ya have a little :pity: on a girl with a :booboo:?
I think Chad already mentioned this earlier, but be sure to count two extra that Green Alien and I will be bringing with us. There's a slight possibility even one more, but it's very slight. He, like one of the people we're bringing with us, will be a future scuba newbie that have yet to take their classes. They will be doing so in the near future and are really excited about it and what better way to break them in! :D JBD, you'll finally get to meet Ron, from Carlisle. Hopefully, you won't have to leave before he can get there from work.
forward to meeting him. I have made arrangements so I can stay for as long as we decide to stay.
We can work out some sort of payment plan.

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