this saturday (6/21)

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Orlando, Florida
the weather forecast says it si going to be crapy all over place, the weather outside my window makes me question that i am in "sunshine state" right now.

but i want ot go diving this saturday, possibly something not far far away from orlando (sorry guys, boynton beach is just such a loong drive away)

We (me and dr jay) were thinking about fr pierce but the forecast is saying 70% chance of rain.

any ideas? any help finding a dive in this weather?

ps.i will be in tampa on saturday morning but going back to orlando, so maybe stop by somewhere on my way back ?
Somehow I don't think we're going diving this weekend :(

I'm thinkin' Ft. Pierce or Vero for next weekend. If the weather is still crappy, maybe one of the springs, or a charter or something.

Anyone else game?
What's wrong with the sunshine state (sic)

it is rainign and raining and raining...
it wouldn't matter if i could still convince somebody that once you dive you are wet anyway !

"BRADENTON, Florida (CNN) -- Manatee County emergency officials were evacuating residents below the Manatee Dam early Sunday after a week of heavy rains and a malfunctioning spill gate put the Gulf Coast county's riverside communities at risk. "
it's just florida's summer, hurricane season. but it has been harder than usual, SO much rain, I swear sometimes it feels like pretty soon I'm gonna have to kayak down the roads.

but to tell you the truth. the feeling is great when you come up from a dive into the rain. kinda reminds you why you go down there in the first place.
You are so lucky you didn't waste your time. I dove Jaycee Beach (Vero Beach) last Saturday and Sunday. Conditions seemed to be good for several days; west winds blowing the surf down,small seas. When we got there, it looked perfect, only very small waves breaking right on shore. I hear that when it's calm for several days, the vis has been know to hit 100'. Last time (3 weeks ago) it was around 12' with twice as much surf, so Sat. would be great, right? Wrong. Try maybe 6' at the surface, going to 1-2' in some places. Got so bad my buddy,on his first saltwater dive ever, hit his head on the bottom.:stupid:. I would have too, except I was chicken, and I remembered the carpet of urchis from last time, so we surfaced and called it quits. Went turtle watching from campground (Sebastian Inlet) but saw only fresh nests and a really strange deep-sea-looking crab. It was about 11:30, not sure, drunk by then:boozer: . The next moning we walked to the inlet, and happend upon a beach full of sea-cow lovin'. It looked like 5 males trying to court a female. A local said she'd seen it before. We tried Jaycee agian but it was crap. Stayed in longer than my buddy, wishing a whale would come eat all this plankton?, when i hear my buddy call me from shore. I look back, and they've got their hand on their head like "shark fin", and I'm thinking "yeah, right, like I'm gonna run out of the water like an idiot so you can laugh all the way home". But I look where they're pointing, just to humor them, and finally see a fin, then another, about 50 yards away, and about 75 offshore. In retrospect, from the look of the fins and the way they moved, not to mention they were together, they were probably dolphins (Bottlenose?), and I'm kicking myself for not swimming out and seeing if they would initiate contact.;-0 Probably missed the chance of a limetime, if only they didn't put :shark: in my head! Anyways, the kid at the dive store said the vis turns crappy after rain, that it stirs up the bottom, but I wasn't buying that and he could't explain it; anybody got an answer? (BTW, it didn't rain to much while we were there.) Would it have been wise to jump in with the manatees?
Hey, Jay and Matt, I'm going to Ginnie From Fri. morning to Sun. Maybe hit Devils's Den on the way back and EE on the way in. Are you two in?
P.S. I will NOT apologize for the length of this post. :getsome:

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