You're right to stock supplies for the inconvenience of loosing power and access to stores. You just don't need to move to the extreme north to save yourself from a Cat 2 when you're inland far enough to miss a storm surge.
After the Rita evacuation, we all have to think about saving the roads for those from the coast. I just don't want posts to get all people north of Houston trying to evacuate when something goes bump in the Gulf. I would prefer them to take the "necessary" precautions: like fill the car up the week before; have flashlights and food stored.
I understand the fear, being right here in downtown Houston, but we have to try to keep it measured.
After the Rita evacuation, we all have to think about saving the roads for those from the coast. I just don't want posts to get all people north of Houston trying to evacuate when something goes bump in the Gulf. I would prefer them to take the "necessary" precautions: like fill the car up the week before; have flashlights and food stored.
I understand the fear, being right here in downtown Houston, but we have to try to keep it measured.