I have already flooded a JVC (just didn't close the case properly before descending)
Operator error, not caused by the camera!
I get frustrated because I forget to take the danged macro lens off when shooting a regular pic, or the string that connects it to my rig sometimes gets stuck in the picture
Operator error, not caused by the camera!
I totally botched a video of eagle rays that swam RIGHT AT ME because the camera flashes a blue dot followed by a red flashing dot when you turn on the video function; then the same sequence when you hit the shutter to record; then the same friggin' sequence when you turn off recording; and the entire time the counter is going so you really can't tell what is being recorded!
Crummy User Interface on that camera!
how much I can accomplish without having to put it on a huge rig with lights extending out a foot and a half of both sides?
You only need to do this for wide-angle shots.
I just want to cheat and get the image quality without the hassle or investment!!
Yeah, well, good luck!
I'm looking at the minimalist TG-6 setup.
Good choice especially if you want macro shots.
the macro shots I'd like to get
TG-6 works great for this, and you won't have string hanging in front of the lens!
I just don't know if I can manage a rig that big and not get caught up in 'doing nothing but adjustments'.
You can, it just take some practice. Pretty much ALL cameras (big and small) can be used in an auto mode, so no real adjustments, but this
does not work all the time. The biggest thing you can do to improve your pictures is to take them yourself, don't let the camera do it for you. That is, shoot in
manual, including the flash. It is really not hard, it just seems daunting. In fact, as good as the TG-6 is, you cannot shoot in manual with it, so you are limited in its applicability to all but macro and really mundate non-macro shots. That may be good enough, but you have been warned!
As to size: a TG-6 in a housing is really not much different than any other small-sensor, compact camera. Put on strobes and/or video lights and they all get the same amount bigger. By the time you have two strobes and two video lights and a tray, the size of the camera/housing is almost irrelevant!