After Thunder Bay was first named a marine sanctuary the first shipwreck surveyed, by Ken Varana, was the shallow New Orleans (14') I hear it cost them $30,000 and took about 5 years before the report was delivered. Ken Varanna, on Senators McManus's web site/talk show, has been promoting this legislation to our law makers claiming that in 1984-85 Alger Preserve had 6000 divers a year visit it. Folks that's 66.66 divers per day, EVERY DAY for a 90 day summer! The actual person (Ron Kunnien) doing the survey was not hired to survey the number of divers will not stand behind those numbers as they were an after thought that Munising wanted and roughly based on an estimate of air fills. They go on to say divers brought 2-3 million dollars into the local economy. From the US census figures the population in Algers DECREASED by 253 from 1980-1990 and the median house hold income DECREASED by $1654.
Who do you believe?
When I hear the proponents of this legislation pushing BS numbers like this around to get their legislation passes, anything they say afterwards looses credibility in my eyes.
Who do you believe?
When I hear the proponents of this legislation pushing BS numbers like this around to get their legislation passes, anything they say afterwards looses credibility in my eyes.