Actually, it's typically a better idea to NOT kink the hose. Most free-flowing second stages are caused by an IP that is too high.
Actually, I think this may be context dependent. I see multiple free-flows every year... because we dive in water that gets down to near freezing in the winter +/-2C.
The *vast* majority of free flows, especially vigorous ones, that I've ever seen have been caused by the 2nd stage poppet getting frozen open. Of those, the vast majority have been caused by momentary free-flows during the entry when the purge was activated. Those can be solved by turning off the tank for few minutes while the reg thaws and then turning it back on. About 10% have happened under water. In 30 years only one I've seen (while ice diving in the Czech Republic) was caused by a fist stage that froze open.
The only free-flows I've seen that were caused by IP creep were on some scubapro regulators a friend of mine had. He insisted on doing his own rebuilds but... well.. he wasn't very good at it. The regs he had already had a reputation for creep and all of his regs creeped some of the time. It became a running joke. IN all cases they caused "bubbling" the would increase to a certain flow rate. More of a hiss than a blow.... It could be characterized more as irritating than as an emergency.
I think if one lived in the tropics then the only free flows they would see would have to do with 1st stage issues or major malfunctions, so as I said, it could be context dependent.