The Swine Flu thing...

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Was not sure if this had been mentioned but according to the CDC antiviral drugs may be effective to prevent the H1N1. Below is from the CDC website. Just as info.

Benefits of Antiviral Drugs
Treatment: If you get sick, antiviral drugs can make your illness milder and make you feel better faster. They may also prevent serious influenza complications. Influenza antiviral drugs work best when started soon after illness onset (within two 2 days), but treatment with antiviral drugs should still be considered after 48 hours of symptom onset, particularly for hospitalized patients or people at high risk for influenza-related complications.

Prevention: Influenza antiviral drugs also can be used to prevent influenza when they are given to a person who is not ill, but who has been or may be near a person with swine influenza. When used to prevent the flu, antiviral drugs are about 70% to 90% effective. When used for prevention, the number of days that they should be used will vary depending on a personÃÔ particular situation.

CDC Recommendation
CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir or zanamivir for the treatment and/or prevention of infection with swine influenza viruses.

Oseltamivir (brand name Tamiflu Ž®) is approved to both treat and prevent influenza A and B virus infection in people one year of age and older.
Zanamivir (brand name Relenza Ž®) is approved to treat influenza A and B virus infection in people 7 years and older and to prevent influenza A and B virus infection in people 5 years and older.
Recommendations for using antiviral drugs for treatment or prevention of swine influenza will change as we learn more about this new virus.

Clinicians should consider treating any person with confirmed or suspected swine influenza with an antiviral drug. Visit: Interim Guidance on Antiviral Recommendations
I know that someone said "there will never be flu on Cozumel" and that would be nice if true...

Don, if you're going to quote people, you should at least try to quote people properly, and not change their words around...

I believe time will show that there were never any cases of the swine flu in Cozumel, yet the damages to the local economy are as bad as if there were.

I really don't get why you insist on hyping this....
Thanks for quoting yourself Antonio. I was wondering where I missed anyone making a blanket statement that there are and never will be any cases of the flu in Cozumel. I saw a laim attempt at making fun of someone for saying that but I didn't know who they were supposedly quoting. Mystery solved.

Let's see. "there were never any cases of the swine flu in Cozumel,".

As far as I have heard, this statement was absolutely true. At that time there "Were" no cases of "Swine Flu" in Cozumel. As far as we know, there still are none.

I love how people claiming to want everyone to know the facts will intentionally twist them around to support their argument.

P.S. Don, please don't think this was directed towards you because it wasn't. It's actually directed towards the militant NO TRAVEL person we've all heard countless repetetive quotes from. He knows who he is. I'm sure yours was just a 50 page old foggy recolection that someone said something along the lines of there being no flu there and then remembering this angry militant person's misquote of that original statement.
A friend's son is part of the Plainview High School marching band which has plans for a bus trip to Houston or Galveston and one of those lame 5 night cruises that stops in Cozumel only I think. He's the only kid I know in the group, but I knew they had really looked forward to the big trip - now canceled by the cruise line. I asked how much the trip was costing? "$850 each."

I suggested that they could blow off the cruise and just fly to Coz, do 5 nights at a nice enough hotel, for less than that, surely have enough money left over for food & drinks, and see the island so much better than with a port call. I guess it'd be easier to herd the kids on a boat than on an island, but thot the idea had merit. I asked how many in the band...?
"I'm not sure, a few hundered."

"Oh?! :shocked2: Uh, you're going to need a few planes."
But then I guess most of the kids acquired Passport Cards good for land and sea crossings only and not full Passports needed for air travel. Dang, for that money they could have chartered a few B-737s, flown in, stayed at Casa del Mar with drinks & food for 5 nights, and maybe seen the island for real. Jeeze, when I graduated, we had a bus trip to visit the Alamo and a few nights at a dude ranch.
A friend's son is part of the Plainview High School marching band which has plans for a bus trip to Houston or Galveston and one of those lame 5 night cruises that stops in Cozumel only I think. He's the only kid I know in the group, but I knew they had really looked forward to the big trip - now canceled by the cruise line. I asked how much the trip was costing? "$850 each."

Isn't it terrible what they charge for those school trips! My son's band is going to take a bus (just one bus) from Kentucky to Florida and spend 4 days at Disney in a couple of weeks....cost per kid..$600!! And that is with the Boosters covering some of the cost :shakehead: I know it takes some of the work off of us Booster parents but it seems like the companies that put together these school trips are making a killing....Hey Don.....sounds like a possible business idea :D All the Coz lovers on the board could take turns chaperoning...I'm game :crafty:
wikipedia is now referencing this page, in quoting that q.roo has 11 lab confirmed cases:

Influenza A H1N1 - Organización Panamericana de la Salud

mexico is up to 1204 confirmed cases, and 44 confirmed deaths:

Secretara de Salud

( and the first url seems to lag since they're only caught up to 949 confirmed cases in mexico )

So roughly 1 out of every 100,000 people in Mexico have caught the flu, and 1 in every 3,000,000 have died from it. I'll take 1 in three million odds on my life any day.
In fact I'm pretty sure I do a lot of things that have better odds of killing me than that........

Let's see, I've been known to chase sharks around just to get a really good picture, I ride a Yamaha R1 sport bike in traffic, and I jump out of airplanes.

Yep, Mexico seems pretty damn safe to me! :D
The president and health comitee have lowered the alert,
highschool, colleges, universities went back to school today, there are obviously changes, the schools have sanitized and will keep screening, on monday all other kids go back to schools, cinemas, soccergames, cultural events, restaurants that were restricted in mex. City to sell food to go, and here in cancun they were restricted to a certain % of their capacity, all them are open, the arqueological zones are open as well as the theme parks, whaleshark season is around the corner...all not is back to normal there are precautions being taken, airports screen temperature and do have medical staff etc.....
On the other hand i believe but not sure it is 7 hotels now that have closed down their doors in cancun, some of them are part of the same company that owns 2 or 3 hotels they concentrate all people in one or two hotels. Occupancy is very low. We in our case went out yesterday with 2 people and are going out tomorrow again with 4 is slow, may has always been a low month, my sister went to planet hollywood they had a 50% off to all...both 3 levels of gvnmt are working on help to all touristic industry although there are many people with a leave of abscence no pay and we will call you when we need you kind of stuff that companies have to do......anyway i hope this info helps, but get informed always at your federal and local offices, maybe embassy, get official info, get medical info on this we always have a couple of doctors we trust etc so you can take a wise desition and either visit or postpone your trip if you have a chance.
The info provided before is from the communications office of the office of the Presidency. On the other hand i want to emphasize the fact that there are measurements at airports and hotels to monitor and also there is a state and municipal emercy situation, like some of us, some of you posters here lived during wilma

hope this info helps

best regards to all and hope everyone is fine.......let's go diving
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Isn't it terrible what they charge for those school trips! My son's band is going to take a bus (just one bus) from Kentucky to Florida and spend 4 days at Disney in a couple of weeks....cost per kid..$600!! And that is with the Boosters covering some of the cost :shakehead: I know it takes some of the work off of us Booster parents but it seems like the companies that put together these school trips are making a killing....Hey Don.....sounds like a possible business idea :D All the Coz lovers on the board could take turns chaperoning...I'm game :crafty:
Oh gawd, I have no patience with kids being kids. I could chaperon a rifle drill team maybe: march them to chow, march them to the tour bus, march them around the ruins - but I'd still bring a buggy whip.

$850 did sound outrageous for a bus to Houston and the cruise. I thot they were cheap?
So roughly 1 out of every 100,000 people in Mexico have caught the flu, and 1 in every 3,000,000 have died from it. I'll take 1 in three million odds on my life any day.
In fact I'm pretty sure I do a lot of things that have better odds of killing me than that........

Let's see, I've been known to chase sharks around just to get a really good picture, I ride a Yamaha R1 sport bike in traffic, and I jump out of airplanes.

Yep, Mexico seems pretty damn safe to me! :D
It is indeed that the virus was controlled so well and seemingly not as dangerous as first seemed. There was a real threat; TG it failed.
Oh gawd, I have no patience with kids being kids. I could chaperon a rifle drill team maybe: march them to chow, march them to the tour bus, march them around the ruins - but I'd still bring a buggy whip.

$850 did sound outrageous for a bus to Houston and the cruise. I thot they were cheap?

It is indeed that the virus was controlled so well and seemingly not as dangerous as first seemed. There was a real threat; TG it failed.

It still hasn't "failed" and it still is a real threat.

Given that it is probably infected 1 in 10,000 in mexico (assuming at least 10 unreported cases for each lab confirmed case), outside of the normal flu season, it should be much more successful in the southern hemisphere during their normal flu season. And that is probably when it will be able to mutate to become more virulent just through naturally having more numbers to infect and more random numbers to roll in order to come up with successful variants.

And its still potentially deadly to the old and very young.

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