The Swine Flu thing...

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Why not? They used fear and panack to get us to let them spend 2 trillion dollars on pet projects, paying off campaign contributors and putting the US banking system and auto industry under federal control. Why should this emergency be any different?

Not going to take that bait and start a political debate. We probably think very differently when it comes to politics. Thats fine. I just find it to be an incredibly interesting conspiracy theory
wait wait wait.

I'm not saying Rahmbo generated the flu, what I'm saying is that since it is here, he'll take advantage of it. HE SAID HE WOULD DO JUST THAT, WHY WOULD YOU THINK HE WOULDN'T?

Read what I wrote Judy, you're connecting dots that aren't there.

WOW yourself.

edit after your last post: what conspiracy? Read his own words!

“Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” Mr. Rahm Emanuel said in an interview.. “They are opportunities to do big things.” (White House Chief of Staff)

Judy- what do you think he meant by "opportunities to do big things"? really--what do you think he meant?
Why not? They used fear and panack to get us to let them spend 2 trillion dollars on pet projects, paying off campaign contributors and putting the US banking system and auto industry under federal control. Why should this emergency be any different?

Oh gawd.. I think you are showing signs of the donkey flu.
wait wait wait.

I'm not saying Rahmbo generated the flu, what I'm saying is that since it is here, he'll take advantage of it. HE SAID HE WOULD DO JUST THAT, WHY WOULD YOU THINK HE WOULDN'T?

Read what I wrote Judy, you're connecting dots that aren't there.

WOW yourself.

edit after your last post: what conspiracy? Read his own words!

ųule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste, Mr. Rahm Emanuel said in an interview.. ŵhey are opportunities to do big things. (White House Chief of Staff)

Judy- what do you think he meant by "opportunities to do big things"? really--what

do you think he meant?

I don't know, perhaps I am a bit naive and look at the world through rose covered glasses or have my head in the sand (although toes in the sand makes me happy)but I don't believe Rahm Emanuel is behind the the current frenzied press coverage of swine flu. He's a bit busy. And honestly, its ok that we may disagree.
And yes, info today is that there is no possibility to prevent spread, it's a mild type, and we need to get used to it as yet another flu type. And health authorities will continue to monitor. Although I don't have confirmation, I think we can expect "stand downs" to start appearing in next few days.
I hope you're right. I read one article suggesting that a possible reason that this H1N1 has seemed milder in the US than Mexico is that perhaps the flu vaccines administered in the US since the last H1N1 scare 30 years ago that did fizzle just might have given many some resistance to this new H1N1. What was not known was the vaccination records of those afflicted in the US or in Mexico tho. Are flu vaccine shots common in Mexico...?

An ominous warning from another source...
CNN) -- If there's a blessing in the current swine flu epidemic, it's how benign the illness seems to be outside the central disease cluster in Mexico. But history offers a dark warning to anyone ready to write off the 2009 H1N1 virus.

In each of the four major pandemics since 1889, a spring wave of relatively mild illness was followed by a second wave, a few months later, of a much more virulent disease. This was true in 1889, 1957, 1968 and in the catastrophic flu outbreak of 1918, which sickened an estimated third of the world's population and killed, conservatively, 50 million people.

Lone Simonsen, an epidemiologist at George Washington University, who has studied the course of prior pandemics in both the United States and her native Denmark, says, "The good news from past pandemics, in several experiences, is that the majority of deaths have happened not in the first wave, but later." Based on this, Simonsen suggests there may be time to develop an effective vaccine before a second, more virulent strain, begins to circulate.

The strains selected to fight in the coming fall were already chosen in February tho, so we need to look anew for a vaccine against this H1N1 to now be included in the coming flu shot.

I do hope this one fizzles, and we then fight the next wave with a good vaccine.
Judy-you and I agree. I don't believe he is behind the press coverage either, and didn't say I thought he was. My point is that by his own statement the White House Chief of Staff uses crises "to do things that you think you could not do before".

Ask yourself what type of things could the government NOT be able to do without the help of a crisis. Without confusion, hysteria, worry, stress, emotions and everything else that comes with a crisis?

Are any of those things good? When you're stressed, low on sleep, hungry, scared, sick, emotional, is that the time to make a life changing decision?

Just so others don't think I'm cherry picking quotes, here is the expanded version of what he said:

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. What I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before. This is an opportunity. What used to be long-term problems -- be they in the health care area, energy area, education area, fiscal area, tax area, regulatory reform area -- things that we had postponed for too long that were long-term are now immediate and must be dealt with. And this crisis provides the opportunity for us, as I would say, the opportunity to do things that you could not do before."

Ok, I'm done with this, I made my point and others can and will disagree. Over and out, we're getting picked up tomorrow morning at 8am to dive.:D
Ask yourself what type of things could the government NOT be able to do without the help of a crisis. Without confusion, hysteria, worry, stress, emotions and everything else that comes with a crisis?

He is 100% correct, we should listen to him intently.

Please build an underwater church for us immediately.
Hi Don,

I may have an answer for the slaughter of hogs in Egypt. All the hogs are owned by the country's Coptic Christian minority.
Hi Don,

I may have an answer for the slaughter of hogs in Egypt. All the hogs are owned by the country's Coptic Christian minority.

You have exposed a dirty little secret that the dying media has failed to do. Why? HMMM

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