The Swine Flu thing...

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What FACTS do you have that this is no more dangerous than the common flu?

Antigenic shifts in flu like this tend to produce more dangerous flus. That is why the WHO has escalated the pandemic alert to 5. Clearly the authorities don't agree with you that this is ignorable and is just the same as the common flu.

Without being able to cite sources without a lot of digging that I'd rather not do right now, I've read several articles that have quoted officials from the WHO and other top flu experts that have stated that overall this is not as dangerous to most as the Avian flu. If I run accross more articles that quote these specialists, I'll be sure and save the url so I can post it. I agree that this thing could turn ugly, but so far it hasn't done that outside of Mexico city and a few other locations in Mexico that are far from Cozumel. Why are you so certain that this WILL turn into a huge pandemic? Why are you so afraid? Common sense prevention is very warrented right now, but not fear and panack....
I would probably call this informed opinion instead of fact, but here you go:

Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild - Los Angeles Times

Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild
Genetic data indicate this outbreak won't be as deadly as that of 1918, or even the average winter.
By Karen Kaplan and Alan Zarembo
April 30, 2009
As the World Health Organization raised its infectious disease alert level Wednesday and health officials confirmed the first death linked to swine flu inside U.S. borders, scientists studying the virus are coming to the consensus that this hybrid strain of influenza -- at least in its current form -- isn't shaping up to be as fatal as the strains that caused some previous pandemics.
What FACTS do you have that this is no more dangerous than the common flu?

Antigenic shifts in flu like this tend to produce more dangerous flus. That is why the WHO has escalated the pandemic alert to 5. Clearly the authorities don't agree with you that this is ignorable and is just the same as the common flu.

Chill....there is no one, other than our vice president and the media who feed on this nonsense, who are fanning the flames of hysteria over this flu strain. It's flu ordinaire, the fluvor of the month, nothing spectacular in anything other than it's causing needless fear, disruption of the travel industry and those businesses who rely on it, a temporary burp in the stock market, and a death sentence for 300,000 Egyptian pigs. People get the flu every day. Sadly, some people are affected more than others but no more by this strain, it turns out, than others. Tomorrow this will be yesterday's flu. Do what 99.9999% of the people with the flu do, including this one. Get over it.
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Chill....there is no one, other than our vice president and the media who feed on this nonsense, who are fanning the flames of hysteria over this flu strain. It's flu ordinaire, the fluvor of the month, nothing spectacular in anything other than causing needless fear, disruption of the travel industry and those businesses who rely on it, a temporary burp in the stock market, and a death sentence for 300,000 Egyptian pigs. People get the flu every day. Sadly, some people are affected more than others but no more by this strain, it turns out, than others. Tomorrow this will be yesterday's flu. Do what most people with the flu do, including this one. Get over it.

Some people just get bored with every day life and latch on the the fear and panack of the moment to make their lives more interesting. Algore and his worshippers are great examples of that. :shakehead:
This flu doesn't even register on my concern scale. I will wash my hands, try not to pick my nose, and ask people to not spit on me when they talk. I'm in Cozumel right now, and have zero concern about it.


“Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste,” Mr. Rahm Emanuel said in an interview.. “They are opportunities to do big things.” (White House Chief of Staff)

I have no doubt that things are going on at the top level of the US government right now that they would rather us not see or have the focus put on by the media (not that the media would report it correctly anyway) While we are "freaking out" about the FLU!, earnings are being reported, money is being wasted, decisions are being made that will affect every American, likely negatively.

Big picture folks, the right hand is screwing us while the left hand hands us a useless mask. In this case, people we all know and love in Cozumel are suffering needlessly.
This flu doesn't even register on my concern scale. I will wash my hands, try not to pick my nose, and ask people to not spit on me when they talk. I'm in Cozumel right now, and have zero concern about it.


ųule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste, Mr. Rahm Emanuel said in an interview.. ŵhey are opportunities to do big things. (White House Chief of Staff)

I have no doubt that things are going on at the top level of the US government right now that they would rather us not see or have the focus put on by the media (not that the media would report it correctly anyway) While we are "freaking out" about the FLU!, earnings are being reported, money is being wasted, decisions are being made that will affect every American, likely negatively.

Big picture folks, the right hand is screwing us while the left hand hands us a useless mask. In this case, people we all know and love in Cozumel are suffering needlessly.

So your theory is that is all a big conspiracy by the Democrats to change the media focus in the US from the bad economy to the swine flue??? WOW
So your theory is that is all a big conspiracy by the Democrats to change the media focus in the US from the bad economy to the swine flue??? WOW

Why not? They used fear and panack to get us to let them spend 2 trillion dollars on pet projects, paying off campaign contributors and putting the US banking system and auto industry under federal control. Why should this emergency be any different?
So your theory is that is all a big conspiracy by the Democrats to change the media focus in the US from the bad economy to the swine flue??? WOW

No - it's to what's being done by the Democrats as their "solution" to the bad economy. Is this thread being hijacked??? Judy - shame on you....:no:
So your theory is that is all a big conspiracy by the Democrats to change the media focus in the US from the bad economy to the swine flue??? WOW

I'm not saying the dems always create these emergencies, but they sure as hell know how to take advantage of them.


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