The Swine Flu thing...

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Bummer! We were set to go to Coz in early June with another couple, but with two toddlers in tow it may not be worth the infection risk to the kids even though the possibility is low. They're nervous and I would feel really bad if their/our kid got sick. Thank goodness we bought trip insurance (something I've never done before). Right now our travel agent is only helping people with trips through May 6, but it looks like we may have to consider going to Hawaii instead.
As with diving, SAFETY is YOUR responsiblity, first. Since the Mexican Gov, the US Gov and the EU are all taking this very seriously, I think all peolpe should do the same. The airlines are offering no fee cancellations and rescheduling, NO extra cost, so I'm sure Coz Dive Ops will offer the same thing? If you are booked with a legitimate, class operation, you should have no problem. If you are booked for Coz, or any place in Mexico, in the next few weeks, I would think a reschedule trip might be the wise thing to do? Be safe, not sorry. Follow the recommendations of the US Dep of Health, and your Doctor.
In spite of WHO position, US has issued travel advisory (avoid non-essential travel to Mexico) and appears Canada may do the same (not clear whether that's been done). Advisories recommending against travel to Canada have been issued. WHO has upgraded pandemic level. Mexico has ordered ALL schools closed for about a week. I'm booked to Coz for a month in June and unless situation changes dramatically, I intend to go. I'm hoping this will just be a warm-up exercise on pandemic for most of us.
You should be fine by then. The risk level should be low by June and unless you are traveling with young children or older adults there should be no problem.

New York is further away from Mexico City, by a few thousand miles, than Coz is and there were 8 reported cases in NY. This just needs to be watched and leave ALL your options open. Example, I go to Coz several times a year, August being one of the times I go, and I am not going to book August just yet, till I see this thing play out and World HO, and US Health Dept, give it a green light.

In spite of WHO position, US has issued travel advisory (avoid non-essential travel to Mexico) and appears Canada may do the same (not clear whether that's been done). Advisories recommending against travel to Canada have been issued. WHO has upgraded pandemic level. Mexico has ordered ALL schools closed for about a week. I'm booked to Coz for a month in June and unless situation changes dramatically, I intend to go. I'm hoping this will just be a warm-up exercise on pandemic for most of us.
New York is further away from Mexico City, by a few thousand miles, than Coz is and there were 8 reported cases in NY.QUOTE]

True, but I'm willing to bet there is a lot more travel between Mexico City and NYC than between Mexico city and Coz...

I still plan on going on Friday.
The New Yorkers who are sick are High school students who had been to Cancun for spring break. I don't think this is as isolated as once thought and has probably been around for a while.
The New Yorkers who are sick are High school students who had been to Cancun for spring break. I don't think this is as isolated as once thought and has probably been around for a while.

Think you are veryright and so, as WHO says, mitigation is more important than is already out of barn door.
Bummer! We were set to go to Coz in early June with another couple, but with two toddlers in tow it may not be worth the infection risk to the kids even though the possibility is low. They're nervous and I would feel really bad if their/our kid got sick. Thank goodness we bought trip insurance (something I've never done before). Right now our travel agent is only helping people with trips through May 6, but it looks like we may have to consider going to Hawaii instead.

Check your policy - mine has epidemic/pandemic as specific exclusions.
True, but I'm willing to bet there is a lot more travel between Mexico City and NYC than between Mexico city and Coz...

I think that is correct.

I still plan on going on Friday.

I hope you will be fine.
The New Yorkers who are sick are High school students who had been to Cancun for spring break. I don't think this is as isolated as once thought and has probably been around for a while.

That is more frightening. I think you are right. I wondered how the NY kids fit into the equation? Now I know. Don't like that Cancun is so close to Coz and people travel back and forth daily between the two.:shocked2:

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