My quote was taken out of context and if members so choose, check back to the original post to read it as it was intended. People cannot be both "fit" and "out of shape" at the same time.
Uh huh ... and was this one taken out of context too?
I knew you were an obese couch potato before I even got to this
Based on everything you've posted here doc, I don't think you know much about diving at all. I think you're a vacation diver who's got a large ego and a need to stroke it at other people's expense.
I bet lots of fat people like to dive...because in the water everyone is weightless, and for once they're on the same playing field as the rest of us.
- The get into some current that's moving them in the wrong direction
- They surface from a shore dive and find the tide is pulling them out to sea
- They are trying to board the dive boat in pitching seas
- They're trying to outswim a great white shark and they've got a fit buddy such as myself who realizes that all he has to do is outswim his fat buddy and not the shark
That's for starters
Well, gee ... while you were in here sitting on your arse judging my fitness to dive, I was out there last night diving. And except for the great white shark bit ... which is just your fantasy anyway ... we had pretty much all of that. It was just another night dive for me and my friends ... we had a lot of fun. None of that stuff bothers people who are used to doing it, and who dive in those conditions on a regular basis.
See, unlike yourself, I don't need to "get in shape" for that annual diving vacation. I stay in shape for diving by diving. If your profile is believable, I've done more dives in the last six months than you have in your life ... most in conditions you either wouldn't qualify for or would be too scared to attempt.
Stroke yourself all you want, doc ... I don't have much patience for posers.
Am I?
This chart says YOU'RE wrong Bob.
Now that I'm on a computer that'll let me see your chart I'd just like to comment that posting it to "prove" your point only proves that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
What's the root cause of "embolism"?
What's the root cause of "drowning"?
Bottom line is you don't know ... neither did the person who made those conclusions?
Most divers who drown do so because they ran out of air ... what caused them to run out of air? Most who embolise do so because they panicked and bolted for the surface ... what caused them to panic?
Those are root causes. And the vast majority of the time the only person who knows what caused them can't tell you because he's dead.
If you're going to come onto a worldwide forum and express strong opinions, at least take the time to learn something about the subject first. Otherwise, you just come across as an idiot with strong (and usually wrong) opinions.
Hey you started it!
You're telling me that you would not choose one of the following potential buddies over the other based on their appearance?
If that's true, I give you a lot of credit. If it was me, my choice would be clear.
Yeah, uh huh ... like I said earlier, a young man trying to somehow prove his manhood.
What if that little cutie forgets to check her air and you have to donate your reg? What if she then panics and bolts to the surface dragging your sorry butt along for the ride? What will you do? Are you in any way prepared to deal with it?
I've seen it happen.
Everything you've posted in this thread tells me you don't know squat about diving ... and most likely couldn't pay attention to what knowledgeable people were telling you because your ego got in the way.
Your ego won't help you much when things go south suddenly underwater and you discover you chose the wrong dive buddy for all the wrong reasons ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)