The Story

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Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley. He had traveled in a time warp and needed to know......
which included a dinner of Lionfish fritters and Lionfish lager after a day of diving with Steve, Mike and Pete at.....
At.. Dandy Don's Dangling Diner where we have the cure for hunger pains and dispense sage diving advice to go along with that favorite Conch Ale and...
repetitve offers to show the three friends a "neat trick" with an SMB and a Gerbil. After fighting them off at the Diner, the three donned their equipment (sans SMB as they had been stolen :shakehead:) and swam towards....
the place where they thought the boat should be. One astute diver has "where's the boat" neatly and permanently imprinted upon his slate to make direction finding much easier. Upon surfacing...
the three saw a shark fin swimming around them. They thought to themselves.....
"Hmmmm, we should have had a V-8!" but realizing they had missed their opportunity they returned to the matter of the shark, Jabber Jaws:


Who was looking for a manager for his band. He asked Steve "......
... I'm moving to Florida to be with.....

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