Another way to see seals up close and personal: my first ever ocean kayaking experience in ME involved some "gastric turbulence" which in turn caused a seal to pop up right near my kayak to investigate all the noise and ensuing grossness. Ok kidding aside the NEADC does seal charters to the Isles of Shoals sometimes and there is a meeting tonight so I shall see if I can dig up some details about seal diving there.
Have you read the story of Andre the seal? Don't watch the film, they used a SEA LION to play Andre Anyway if I remember correctly seals sometimes find divers so interesting that they feel compelled to "hug" them. I really don't find the idea of a 200lb seal hugging me and knocking off my mask or stealing my reg or something very enchanting but seeing them swim underwater might be worth it.
Have you read the story of Andre the seal? Don't watch the film, they used a SEA LION to play Andre Anyway if I remember correctly seals sometimes find divers so interesting that they feel compelled to "hug" them. I really don't find the idea of a 200lb seal hugging me and knocking off my mask or stealing my reg or something very enchanting but seeing them swim underwater might be worth it.