I got rid of all my HP80s. I’m down to 85s and 50s. My usual place for AIR fills is closed while they’re on a trip to MX. I’m diving New Year’s, wanted fills before the holidays, and banked 32% (which I prefer to dive), plus slight overfills on my 85s. You’d have thought I was asking for someone to rob a bank when I asked about overfills! I wanted 3200 at the most.
I ended up at the shop
@KathyV had previously recommended to me. They’ll overfill to 3000. I can deal with that. I drove the 40 minutes to drop tanks off tonight and I’ll pick up Saturday. I’ll have a proper, not hot, fill that way.
One shop I’d emailed told me overfills were illegal, immoral, and they weren’t risking their shop and employees for a $15 fill. Drama queen! They’re off my list for good. Location wasn’t very convenient, anyway.
Another shop won’t overfill, but they didn’t throw a tantrum when I had asked when in for something else a few weeks back.
And as a big plus, I found out the shop I went to has helium! I had thought there were only two shops in my area that offered it.