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Heck NO!!! It just takes a little time to get to a keyboardJMdiver:What happened did everybody stop diving this week ?
Happy Diving

Tuesday night, 10/17/06
Veteran's Park, Redondo canyon edge
Buddy: David Watson
Splash: Gorgeous Sunset!
Max Depth: 49fsw, but 45 minutes was all about the practice @ 35fsw.
Run time: 62 minutes
Temp: 59F
Visibility: 10-15 feet
Surf: 3 feet. Yikes!!! The lull looked calm, but we got pummeled on entrance.
Gas: David > 'Chica (Doubles trump a single hpHunnerd, every time)
So... what happened...
It was a beautiful night for a dive! We planned a bunch of skills to practice and drills to run. So Much To Learn!

A little windy as the sun set, yes. But the world glowed in the rosy colors.
A little feistiness in the surf, yes. But David and the doubles rolled right through 10 MussYo'Hair waves

Surge was frisky, but all the drills went well as long as we oriented 90 degrees to it. We ran the basic5, did some OOA drills, deployed SMBs from 35fsw (and retrieved them), practiced our lessThanPerfect versions of back-kicks (but we did each move backwards, so it could suck worse.) Then we toured the edge of the canyon, returned across the surge-clouded shallows, and rose from 20 fsw to do a 10 foot stop in the dark and surgey water. I felt like I was spinning on a microwave carousel! I know...If it were easy, any farm animal could do it. I need a LOT more practice.
Best sights:
- A pale green pipe fish coiled at the top end of a Giant Kelp frond. It looked exactly like a sea horse, with its tiny tail corkscrewed around the main stipe, its head laying against the end of the frond, and its cute little pectoral fins fluttering in the current.
- The short spined sea star we used as our base marker. Nice to still see it at the end of a drill.... most of the time :14: .
- An 8-inch horn shark, dozens of barred sand bass, and a scattering of scorpion fish.
- Several thornback rays in the shallows.
- Crazy crowds of swimming crabs galloping down the sides of the canyon at 45fsw.
- A very horizontal buddy working hard at drills and hanging solid with those doubles. Nice work!
It was about to get ugly, as I couldn't touch bottom until I was squarely in the crush zone.
I ran out of my usual tricks to get through the surf, and had finally gotten to the ZCP, (Zone of Casual Profanity,) when the ocean nudged us both firmly toward shore.... and we walked out. All that fuss and no muss. Nice!
It was so warm in the parking lot afterwards that I had flashbacks to summer.
Water temperatures? I never checked the thermometer during our one hour dive, so it must not have been too cold. 59F was just a tickle on the other side of the drysuit.
Thanks for the practice call, David. It was perfect.
(Normal suckage minus .027, and counting....