Date: 10/07/2006
Dive Location: Sand Slope between the north wall and Main wall
Buddy: ummmm....yeah. Joanne on surface surport
Time: 9:25am
Bottom Time: 46 min.
Max Depth: 107 ft.
Vis: 15 to 20 ft.
Bottom conditions: RIPPING current running North
Temp at depth: 52 minimum 56 average
Surface Temp: 59
Gas mix: 30%
Joanne and I took the kayaks out this morning for a paddle and a dive. Joanne did most of the paddling while I handled the dive part. Too dang hot to paddle in a drysuit so I opted reluctantly to dive wet. After getting everything strapped in good and tight we paddled out to roughly the lineups for the north wall and I zipped up the suit and pulled on the fins. Pulled the BP on in the water, Joanne handed me the camera and off I went.
(As an aside, it's a really weird feeling diving wet after sooo many dry dives.)
Dropped down and down and down and....well you get the idea. At 105 the bottom came into view. Ooops, guess I must have been a bit off with the line-ups today. So there I the bottom with no idea where I am and no compass. I was expecting a north running current and it was there so using that I determined which direction east was and headed out. Soon enough I found the slope going UP and ascended to about 55ft for the dive. Found a little bit of a wall but not much. Mostly just sand. Sand was fine with me. Let me note here that the computer says 53 but I am not blue lipped and shivering nor are my feet numb.
The current was really moving requiring me to fin constantly to stay on my photo subjects. I was REALLy glad I wasnt going to have to swim all the way back to the beach against that flow.
The things seen today included a largish frindgehead, lots and lots of Hermisendas, a spanish shawl, lobster and various crabs and baby fishes. Diving the LP80 with the Liz fill limited my bottom time and all to soon it was time to ascend. Floating upward I watched the bottom grow dimmer and the light from the sun grow stronger. The visibility between 20ft and the surface is beautiful and I enjoyed my 3 minute stop at 15ft and then slowly back to the surface I went. Joanne was nearby and paddled over to get me.
Getting in to the kayak proved just as easy as getting out...though not nearly as graceful and at least twice as funny to watch I am sure. Gear in, strapped down we paddled back to the boat launch, loaded the truck and headed out for some FOOD.
Good times.
T. :Banane26:
Dive Location: Sand Slope between the north wall and Main wall
Buddy: ummmm....yeah. Joanne on surface surport
Time: 9:25am
Bottom Time: 46 min.
Max Depth: 107 ft.
Vis: 15 to 20 ft.
Bottom conditions: RIPPING current running North
Temp at depth: 52 minimum 56 average
Surface Temp: 59
Gas mix: 30%
Joanne and I took the kayaks out this morning for a paddle and a dive. Joanne did most of the paddling while I handled the dive part. Too dang hot to paddle in a drysuit so I opted reluctantly to dive wet. After getting everything strapped in good and tight we paddled out to roughly the lineups for the north wall and I zipped up the suit and pulled on the fins. Pulled the BP on in the water, Joanne handed me the camera and off I went.
(As an aside, it's a really weird feeling diving wet after sooo many dry dives.)
Dropped down and down and down and....well you get the idea. At 105 the bottom came into view. Ooops, guess I must have been a bit off with the line-ups today. So there I the bottom with no idea where I am and no compass. I was expecting a north running current and it was there so using that I determined which direction east was and headed out. Soon enough I found the slope going UP and ascended to about 55ft for the dive. Found a little bit of a wall but not much. Mostly just sand. Sand was fine with me. Let me note here that the computer says 53 but I am not blue lipped and shivering nor are my feet numb.

The things seen today included a largish frindgehead, lots and lots of Hermisendas, a spanish shawl, lobster and various crabs and baby fishes. Diving the LP80 with the Liz fill limited my bottom time and all to soon it was time to ascend. Floating upward I watched the bottom grow dimmer and the light from the sun grow stronger. The visibility between 20ft and the surface is beautiful and I enjoyed my 3 minute stop at 15ft and then slowly back to the surface I went. Joanne was nearby and paddled over to get me.
Getting in to the kayak proved just as easy as getting out...though not nearly as graceful and at least twice as funny to watch I am sure. Gear in, strapped down we paddled back to the boat launch, loaded the truck and headed out for some FOOD.
Good times.
T. :Banane26: