Date: 5/18/06
Dive Location: La Jolla Shores
Buddy(ies): HBDiveDiva, Terry (local guide)
Time: 8:20 PM
Bottom Time: 68 Minutes
Max Depth: 98fsw (51 average)
Vis: Below 50, easily 15 - 20 feet.
Wave height: Going in - 2 to 3' rising... coming out, mellow
Temp at depth: 52
Surface Temp: Whatever, I'm in a drysuit
Tide information: High 5.6 at 8:43 PM
Gas mix: Air
HBwhatareyouthinkinggirl called me earlier in the week and extended an invite to drive from my comfy home near LAX to La Jolla Shores for a night dive on a school night.
So I weigh the options:
Pros: Chance to dive with local guru (Terry) in a place I really want to learn better
Cons: Sleep?
So I pick up HBsleepdreprivationgurl at about 4:45 and we hit the road. We roll into LJS at about 7:25 PM, get settled, visit a bit, gear up and head in.
The surf closer to the pier was raging and curling full on North Shore action. Where we were going in it looked a lot better. We get in, and we kick out about 100 meters past the buoy.
At the buoy Terry shares the plan: Drop and head past a pile of Ray bones, then fade into the canyon to about 110, shooting on the way, turn back and make a slow return to the shore. HBdryglove and I were in 130s with phat D&S fills, TS had his Baby Doubles (72's) so we all had about the same gas.
We drop and start out. The topography and life zone reminded me of Vets. At Vets there is this life zone (the trash line, detritus line... whatever) that sits on the lip of the drop off. It marks the end of sand and the beginning of, well, more sand. Its about 10 - 25 feet wide.
In JLS, this same line is HUGE. Like zillion of yards wide. It just goes on and on. Same critters, same grass and kelp shards ("salad") but because the sand is more hard packed, and the pier further away - everything isn't all "dusty" like Vets from the silt, and there is virtually no trash. If you're local, picture a wider, cleaner, slower sloping Vets, and you'll get the idea. I could spend 90 minutes in the 45 - 60 range here, just snapping off Nudis, octos, fringehead, flatfish, etc.
But the plan was to move on. So we did. We took quite a few shots in this zone, so Terry modified the plan and only took us to about 98, then turned up for the slow return trip. Some notable memories of the dive:
* It was weird diving with a photographer. I usually AM the photographer. None of my regular buddies shoot. So it was interesting to keep an eye on Terry while he was shooting. It was mellow. We had an ambitious amount of ground to cover, so we were moving faster than I usually like, but it was all good. We all stook together and it just worked. Good three-person team.
* Terry's got mad game. Excellent guide, cool hang. Of the thousands and thousands of square meters of diving space we went over and could have gone over, I can't believe dude rolled us RIGHT OVER the small pile of Ray bones in the grass he told us about on the surface 35 minutes prior. I mean, what up Mr. GPS??? Unreal nav. The boy does know his canyon.
* I never cramp, and I got the MOTHER of all Calf cramps last night. ^&$%#%$. Its still killing me this morning. I was diving with one leg for a good part of the first half of the dive trying to stretch this thing back into shape... Silt all over, diving in circles... OY! I was a complete clown down there.
* I'm totally smitten with the place. I can't wait to come back. Great dive. Wacky to have significant surge at 65 feet. Good viz, lots to see. I loved it.
* When I called my wife and told her I was visiting with my first drysuit (Terry bought my beloved 50/50) and that he hotrodded the thing with a pee valve, new seals, etc. she asked if my current suit had valve envy. That was pretty dang funny.
I'm a mental patient to drive 5.5 hours for a 68 minute dive on a school night. Claudette is a nutbar for conceiving this roadie - but I'm so glad I went. Next time I'll come down on a Friday and just crash there. But I will be back very very soon.
Terry, you rock!
Bigazz Nudi
Polly Laying Eggs?
Peeking Octo
Itty Bitty Red Tipped Dorids
La Jolla Variety Dendy
Fuzzball Nudi in the grass
Lil' Octo