Peter McGuinness
Out with Mike and Barbara on the Scuba Do today. The advertised 4 ft
swell was conspicuously absent - it was maybe a foot but only if it
stood on tiptoe!
Dive 1, The Ruby E
Depth 81ft
Time: 47 mins
Vis: a solid 15ft
Some surge at depth, but nothing unusual
Temp: 55F
This dive was cold, and notable for the largest D. Iris I have ever seen.
Dive 2: The NOSC Tower
Depth: 59ft
Time: 40mins
Vis: under 10ft
Lots of surge
My first time at the Tower. Interesting dive, sort of a cross between the kelp forest environment and the silty bottom of the rest of wreck alley.
Is it just me or are there getting to be more metridiums everywhere you
look? I have a theory that the Yukon is repsonsible for this cold water
species invading San Diego; there were dormant canadian metridium spores
(or whatever passes for a baby metridium) in the holds of the ship when
it came down from up north, and they have multiplied ever since. Sonn
there will be nothing but white wherever we look - don't get between
them and their young; you have been warned!
Pictures at:
swell was conspicuously absent - it was maybe a foot but only if it
stood on tiptoe!
Dive 1, The Ruby E
Depth 81ft
Time: 47 mins
Vis: a solid 15ft
Some surge at depth, but nothing unusual
Temp: 55F
This dive was cold, and notable for the largest D. Iris I have ever seen.

Dive 2: The NOSC Tower
Depth: 59ft
Time: 40mins
Vis: under 10ft
Lots of surge
My first time at the Tower. Interesting dive, sort of a cross between the kelp forest environment and the silty bottom of the rest of wreck alley.

Is it just me or are there getting to be more metridiums everywhere you
look? I have a theory that the Yukon is repsonsible for this cold water
species invading San Diego; there were dormant canadian metridium spores
(or whatever passes for a baby metridium) in the holds of the ship when
it came down from up north, and they have multiplied ever since. Sonn
there will be nothing but white wherever we look - don't get between
them and their young; you have been warned!
Pictures at: