Dive Location: La Jolla Shores/Main Wall
Buddy(ies): Sean, Max
Time: 1930ish
Bottom Time: 56 minutes
Max Depth: 110ft
Vis: 30-40...Really. Crystal clear
Swell height: 1-2ft easily timed
Temp at depth: 49F
Surface Temp: 63F
Gas mix: 21%
Met up with Max and Sean and after borrowing some forgotten gear we headed into the minimal surf. The kick out was nice and relaxing and the sunset was gorgeous! About 200yards past the buoy we dropped in and headed west toward the draw. Lots of life out tonight including a new fish for me. It has two distinct "spines" just forward of its dorsal fin. I snapped a few pictures and we continued on. The usual suspects were out including D. Iris and lots and lots of octopus. Visibility remains stellar although the water temp is a bone chilling 49 at depth. Soooo glad I have a drysuit on dives like this.
Get out and dive. Conditions are worth the headache of parking in La Jolla.
Buddy(ies): Sean, Max
Time: 1930ish
Bottom Time: 56 minutes
Max Depth: 110ft
Vis: 30-40...Really. Crystal clear
Swell height: 1-2ft easily timed
Temp at depth: 49F
Surface Temp: 63F
Gas mix: 21%
Met up with Max and Sean and after borrowing some forgotten gear we headed into the minimal surf. The kick out was nice and relaxing and the sunset was gorgeous! About 200yards past the buoy we dropped in and headed west toward the draw. Lots of life out tonight including a new fish for me. It has two distinct "spines" just forward of its dorsal fin. I snapped a few pictures and we continued on. The usual suspects were out including D. Iris and lots and lots of octopus. Visibility remains stellar although the water temp is a bone chilling 49 at depth. Soooo glad I have a drysuit on dives like this.
Get out and dive. Conditions are worth the headache of parking in La Jolla.