Date: 6/29/2006
Location: Redondo Canyon - Veteran's Park
Buddy(ies): HBDiveGirl (Claudette), Mo2vation (Ken), neophyte (Adam), Archangel (Tevis)
Time: 8:07 pm
Bottom Time: 56 minutes
Max Depth: 81ft
Vis: About 5 ft shallow, 12-15 at depth
Swell height: 2-3 ft, close together
Temp at depth: Aeris 54F
Surface Temp: Nice and warm
Gas mix: 21%
I had a FANTASTIC time last night after accepting Claudette's invitation to join her and some other SBers for my first ever dive at Redondo Canyon. The drive from San Diego was lengthy, but relaxing, and as I pulled into the parking lot, I began to recognize one grinning familiar face after another. First Tevis, then Adam, Ken, and Claudette arrived. They all greeted me warmly, and made me feel so welcome, I knew it was worth the effort to get there already!!! In fact, everyone seemed as excited about showing me Redondo Canyon as I did about seeing it! Ken graciously loaned me a 130cf tank and Claudette loaned me a canister light, for max bottom time and illumination enjoyment.

Thank you so much - you guys are not only awesome divers, you're very generous!!!
The surf was building and coming in tight sets, but still manageable, and we entered without incident. After all had kicked out, we gathered round, dropped down and began finning wing to wing toward the canyon. I was surprised at how fine the bottom substrate was, almost like talcum powder. As we moved closer to the edge of the canyon, I was struck by how not one of us was stirring up the silt. It's always fun to dive with such skilled divers!!
The landscape was absolutely sick with crabs. At one point, they were even piled up in a big pile. An octopus siphoned his way by, and having never dived with a canister light before, I lasered him straight in the face. Ken showed me how to cover my light with my hand so as not to stress the critters out so much. Soon we came across a Sarcastic Fringehead who had made his home in a large shell. Claudette started lightly scratching his back and we giggled in our regs as he came out of the shell and tried to scare us all away. We saw quite a few itty bitty octopus, including one teensy one about the size of a thumb nail, TONS of flatfish, and some oddly placed and unseasonal patches of squid eggs.
The silo on my back, while a bit weighty on the kick out, really wasn't too much different than the 100 cf Worthington I usually dive with under water. Throughout the dive, I kept looking at my SPG and laughing at all the gas I had. After a 56 minute dive, I still had 1,400 psi left.

OK, I'm ordering my 130 tomorrow, lol!! I also
really liked the canister light. I loved the fact I didn't have a heavy light in my hand, and the brightness was fantastic!
After the dive, we hung out in the parking lot chatting about this and that, and just enjoying each other's company and a warm summer evening at the beach. I drove home more pumped than usual after diving. I even broke out the ol' AC/DC live double album. At 12:30 am, I arrived home, threw all my gear in a bathtub, and crawled gratefully into bed. Thank you so much for making my little excursion so enjoyable Ken, Tevis and Adam, and special thanks to Claudette for the personal invitation!! I had a FABULOUS time, and as our Governator says, "I'LL BE BACK!!!"