The Pasley "HURRY HOME" May '07 Dive Reports

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Reaction score
Palos Verdes Estates, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
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Top reason Pasley should hurry home:
Date: 5/3/07
Dive Location: OML 120 Reef
Buddy(ies): Angelique
Time: 9:57 am.
Bottom Time: 1:08 Min
Max Depth: 42 fsw
Vis: 8-15 feet
Wave height: 2-3 feet
Temp at depth: 51F
Surface Temp: 65F

I met up with Angelique this morning at OML for a Thursday morning dive. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. The swell coming in is still active and the point was not do-able today. The waves moving across the point and the outer area were pretty significant. The cove on the other hand was looking VERY do-able. The waves were only 2-3 feet and the surface in the cove and across the reef area looked nice and calm.

Entry at Cobble beach was a piece of cake. We kicked out and dropped down past the rock point. The visibility was better then a few days ago. The particles in the water were not as bad this time around. We headed in our normal 120 direction to see who would be out and about today.

On our way out we headed on the right side of the reef coming across some interesting rock structures and ended up in the sandy area at the end. We made our turn and headed on in on the other side of the reef. We took our time checking everything out. We ended up far to the right of the rock point which was cool because we came across an area we have not seen before. Basically, the rock walls were amazing. Even with the strong surge, we had a great time going in and out of the rocks. The visibility also was much better then out on the reef. With the extra light in the shallow areas (15-25 feet) I was able to get some nice shots of many Spanish Shawls hanging around and laying eggs too.

On a calm day I bet this area is a total blast. I can’t wait till the swells go away!!

Below are some highlights from the dive:

Diaulula Nobilis

Giant Spined Star Eating

Kellets And Eggs

Hermit Crab

Lots Of Stuff

What Is this?

Spanish Shaw

Small Tube Anemone

Spanish Shawls Laying Eggs

Rock Scallop

Sea Cucumbers

HS Science!

The Plan
Quick post, Robert & I tryed to dive Leo Sun. but only had 3 ft. vis. & Roberts reg. was freeflowing so it was a no go. Then we found out Pt. Dume had 20 to 25 ft vis. oh well wrong beach at the wrong time.:(

Dove Catalina yesterady on the magician...

Cold water (52), only fair vis (25ft), vis was better deep. Not too much marine life.. nice weather topside though. Dove ship rock, isthmus reef, sea fan grotto.

Saw a small Lingcod, a Treefish, couple Island kelpfish, couple abalone, a few Janolus barberenis, Hermissenda, spanish shawl, Bethellina ilisima, lots of blacksmith, one giant kelpfish, lots of gobies.

Photo Gallery here:


Black-eyed Goby


Zooanthid Anemones


Trivia Solander
Monday May 7, 2007
Marineland: Entered at the Point, exited at Cobble Beach
Buddy: Mo2vation, always ready for fun!
Splash time: 10AM
Run time: 1'14"
Max depth: 57fsw (Very low tide, about 0.1)
Water temp: 51F (Same as BallBuster and Shale Island in Monterey the day before. 3 degrees warmer than The Barge and The Metridium Fields off Cannery Row)
Vis: A nearly unbelievable 40 feet. A rare day in paradise, like I've only seen a few times each year.
Gas: 32%. Just a better gas.
Reason for Pasley to come on home to stay: Diving Monterey and then Marineland, with a 23'22" SI. That just RULES!!

Returning from three wonderful days of diving Monterey, Ken and I were talking over plans for Monday (we both had the day off.)

"How about Marineland?", he said.

"Sure", I said. "Great idea. Vis couldn't be worse than it was at the Breakwater today... 3 feet was pretty amusing on a scooter!"

Monday morning, we rolled into the construction site that is now Terranea.
Glassy calm water. Blazing sunshine with cool breezes.
1 foot surf. Some surge, (but certainly manageable after it pushed us around a bit.)
And.... we could see through the water.

We could see rocks! Through the Water!!!! Holy Cow!!!!!

Entering at the point, we could easily see the bottom at our descent point, 30 feet below us.
The vis was never less than 40 feet all over the pinnacles at the Point, continuing 2/3's of the way back to Cobble Beach. As we did mid-water rolling stops at 40, 30, 20, and 10 fsw, we could easily see crabs and rocks on the bottom and glittering silver at the surface. Pretty dang cool!

The 7 species of nudibranchs at the Point, although tiny by Monterey standards, were fun to find and lovely to look at: Cuthona divae laying eggs, D. albopunctatas (10 to 15 on the big boulders), Clowns (Triopha catalina), FedEx's (F. iodinea), trilineatas, San Diego dorids, Limbaughs cadlina.

Hermissenda crassicornis eggs are EVERYwhere out at the point, from 30 to 60 fsw.
I think there's an outrageous population explosion coming in the next days/weeks. Watch for it! (Could navanax be far behind? :crafty: )

The pinnacles were just gorgeous in the open blue/green water. While we explored each one, we could see other pinnacles in the distance... what a cool way to see Marineland!!

Some days just work out in spite of all other plans. This was one of those.

Thank you, Ken, for the mad skills, rolling enthusiasm, persistence, focus, and superb teamwork. THIS was a spectacular dive, and I'm so glad we were there for the fun and beauty.

It's amazing how fast it changes. Sunday was not diveable. Don called me at work and told me that you and Ken had 30-40', so Merry and I rushed there and were in the water by 4:00. The best we found was ten feet vis. After my hands thaw out I'll give it another try. :)
Monday May 7, 2007
Marineland: Entered at the Point, exited at Cobble Beach
Buddy: Chica - rocked up, bringing your own fun, prepared, courageous, grateful
Splash time: 9:40 AM-ish
Run time: 75 minutes.
Max depth: 59fsw (Very low tide, about 0.1... rock climbing with the new D200 rig)
Water temp: 50 - 51 Suunto - Positively MoCal-esque
Vis: Excellent - 30 to 40 feet. Been like this for me only a couple of times
Gas: 32% for mad BT
#1 Reason for Pasley to return home: After 3 days in Monterey, there's no place like home

After three glorious days in MoCal, I ran us home a day early - so here we are with a day off and nothing to do. I offer to Chica, "how about Marineland?" She said yes, we jumped on it.

Let me start by saying this was one of the most beautiful days of the year. Wow.

Monday was May's WOTAD (Weird One Tide A Day) and its very low at 7:57, rising glacially about 5 feet by 12:36 AM... so no worries. If the swell is down, it should be a brainless entry / exit.

We arrive to a flat former MarineLand site (been a couple of weeks since I've been here. They've been busy!) and look out over a flat Pacific.

This should rock.

We walk up, look in, the water is clear. I'm counting urchins from the cliff!

This will rock.

We gear up. This is the first SoCal dive with my new rig. Recently upgraded to the Nikon D200. I had it in Monterey last week, but the shutter button is mis-aligned, and some of the other buttons are placed in inconvienent spots, so all of my Monterey pics basically suck. For this dive I'll adapt, and fix it later (I made the modifications when I got home from Monday's Marineland dive.... so pics will get better this week and this weekend!)

With the super low tide, and the long bolder climb over slippery rocks, combined with the new and much heavier rig, throwing in the fact I'm still babying the rig (read: not all scratched up yet...), the clambor to the entry was slow and cautious.

We get there, and the surge isn't too bad, but the sets are strong. I get the fins on and make my plunge. I get 1/2 way out, and the cam immediately gets hopeless tangled in kelp. A big set is rolling in. Decision time. I make the decision to brace myself for the coming pinball off the rock, and I let go of the new rig :11: . I bounce hard off the big rock (putting a hole in my hip... memo to self: wear the crushed Neo suit for all MarineLand dives, dork) but compose myself and get settled. Heart racing, I feel around the kelp between sets, find the cam, untangle it, and come back in to catch my breath. I'm leaking but the new cam rig isn't.

'Sall good.

I should have sailed right out. What up? I think a moment between getting doused from the imcoming sets. The problem: I'm still weighted for Monterey. I have another 4 pounds on the belt... duh.

For the second try, I FILL the wing, time it perfectly and this time I'm able to kick out OVER the kelp (not thru it) and all is good. Simple, brainless, drama-free entry. Chica follows.

We kick over, drop into pristine water. After 75 minutes, I'm chillin as my whole left side is soaked.

We have a perfect exit at Cobble beach, and are greeted by Don and pooch. After "Hi", the first thing he says is, "is it as nice down there as it looks from here...?"

Chica and I smile! It was.

The rig is still pretty combative, so the pics are not what I hoped for (focusing is tough, and the shutter still sticking) - but I'm sure after the mods things will start to shape up.



I love these snails. This is the first time I've been able to capture their eye. You can see the eye better in the fuzzy original size here.

Claudette and I saw several Clown Nudis in Monterey. Up there, they were all 3" - 5" long!!!! This little baby was about 1/2 in long. He had these hairs on him you can see in the Original here.

'Tata mania! Never seen so many. Of course, they're tiny (3/4" - 1") compared to the monstah's in MoCal. This one is on a dead run!

'Dette called me over to see this star. The pic does this no justice. Its an Ocre star, reaching off an overhang, spanning across space and landing one very out-stretched arm on a ledge. It was a great find - bit way too big for my 105mm lens to capture. Had to back way off, stop way down, shoot slow, flood with light. Technically, the image is a mess. But the best thing about photography is this: YOU WERE THERE! Thanks for calling me over to see this, Chica.

Shrimpy in a hole. For size scale, see the Quarter-sized brown cup coral on the left. Fuzzy full sized image here.

Cuthona - more of these than I've ever seen before. I want to get back to MarineLand ASAP to shoot some more of these. They're one of our most beautiful Nudis, and they have exploded at ML.

Here's a pair of Cuthona on an egg mass. I couldn't turn around without seeing Cuthona on nearly every rock we came up on.


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