Date: 5/12
Dive Location: Farsworth Bank
Buddy(ies):Richard and Mike
Time: 9ish
Bottom Time: 35
Max Depth:84
Wave height: waves? don't remember any.
Temp at depth: 58
Surface Temp:62
Tide information: geting close to low I guess
Gas mix:air
Top reason Pasley should hurry home: sea lion dive bombs
this was my first dive at fansworth. After getting over the fact that I was going to miss a trip san diego for a wrinkles dive I loaded the gear and was in san pedro loading the ponga at 7 stupid am. We passed a few dive boats during the quick trip out to the back side of the island via the west end.
It took us a bit of time to find the top of the pinacle but we nailed it perfectly on try 3. I was happy to see we landing on sand and didn't hurt a thing!
Here are the coordinates for the western tip of farsworth bank:
N33 20.628'
W 118 31.013'
This should get you within about 30'.
After dropping anchor in flat calm water we were greeted by a sea lion who welcomed us into the water at the back roll and joined us all the way to the exit! This was my first dive on farsworth and I was absolutly stuned by the corals there. Also, we saw a lingcod (a healty 3ish feet) and a Giant sea bass just disapering into the last bit of vis. Not a single shot from depth turned out worth showing here but lots of nice shots of the sea lion! I also got to dive with my new twin jet fins that i bought off orangelion. Yes, they are bright yellow... They were great!
After the dive we stopped for lunch and a hike in little harbor then rounded the island to watch the progession of the fire fighting. Avalon was a ghost town but the fire helicopters were making good progess on a small patch of fire just west of avalon. It sure looks like avalon was lucky in being spared the worst of it!
Overall a wonderful dive at the island and I can't wait to go back!
Here are the Pics