Date: 2/8/07
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove
Buddy: Jesus
Time: 6:41 pm descent
Bottom Time: 70 min
Max Depth: 45 feet
Vis: 10-15 feet
Wave height: the Cove doesn't really get what you call waves
Temp at depth: 58F
So Jesus wanted to do another night dive this week, of course who am I to say no and keep anyone out of the water
I willingly obliged, though at first was not too thrilled with the choice of the Cove. If you've ever been diving the Cove at night you know it can be a little disorienting and getting back to the stairs is usually tricky unless you go straight out and straight back.
Well, it turned out to be an awesome dive, there were Chestnut Cowries out everywhere. Jesus pointed the first 3 out to me and we were just thrilled and then started to notice they were just all over the place, all with their mantles out until the light hit them. Ton's of Lobster also, of course it is still the season so they are still hiding in the Cove. A lot of Rockfish out including what I think was a Treefish with what I know was the tail of a Blacksmith sticking out of its mouth. The one thing that truly made this an awesome dive, the Moray Eel Jesus found, very small one, and the first one I've seen in San Diego. We also spotted a beautiful Red colored Giant Kelp Fish that was wedged in a rock making it impossible for me to take his picture.
On our swim in we hit quite a bit of surge and finally Jesus signaled he had enough and wanted to surface, this stuff doesn't really get me, its more of a little thrill ride bonus for the dive. Good thing we came up we were to far West and on our course would never had made the stairs but hit the cliff at Alligator Head instead. Very short swim around to the Cove though.
Date: 2/9/07
Dive Location: La Jolla Vallecitos
Buddy(ies): VetDiver, Divinman, ChickoftheSea
Time: 6:17am descent
Bottom Time: 70 min
Max Depth: 67 feet
Vis: 25-30 feet
Wave height: 1 feet maybe on the set waves
Temp at depth: 58F though I'm still convinced my computer is high on these temps
Another Friday and another dawn patrol, ankles slappers, glassy surface, no wind, no surge, no current, dang what more could you ask for....
So making our way to Vallecitos point from the Northern edge we did a really nice slow relaxing dive of exploration along the 50 foot contour with walls that drop to 60 then 70 and so on. Lobster, baby Rockfish, Octopus, Goby's, Barred Sand Bass, Perch, a school of baitfish all before we hit the point. Once we got to the point, Blue Banded Goby's, Nudi eggs everywhere but the only nudi's I found were the teeny tiny not photographable unless you have Ken's camera Doto's. Kelp Crabs, more Octo's, more Rockfish, baby Giant Kelp Fish, baby Sheephead, baby Blacksmith, Tube Anenomes all in attendance.
We actually got to explore the entire point and the wall on the southern edge running back east. Made it to the cinder block before heading up the sand and the swim back in which was very uneventful again. Stood up in 4 feet of water with big ole grins on our faces.
Seemed as though most of the critters today were trying to hide or in disguise, just a few...
I think this one is trying to decide to wig or not to wig
I love these guys, can you see him, I'm telling you master of camoflauge
Dive Location: La Jolla Cove
Buddy: Jesus
Time: 6:41 pm descent
Bottom Time: 70 min
Max Depth: 45 feet
Vis: 10-15 feet
Wave height: the Cove doesn't really get what you call waves
Temp at depth: 58F
So Jesus wanted to do another night dive this week, of course who am I to say no and keep anyone out of the water

Well, it turned out to be an awesome dive, there were Chestnut Cowries out everywhere. Jesus pointed the first 3 out to me and we were just thrilled and then started to notice they were just all over the place, all with their mantles out until the light hit them. Ton's of Lobster also, of course it is still the season so they are still hiding in the Cove. A lot of Rockfish out including what I think was a Treefish with what I know was the tail of a Blacksmith sticking out of its mouth. The one thing that truly made this an awesome dive, the Moray Eel Jesus found, very small one, and the first one I've seen in San Diego. We also spotted a beautiful Red colored Giant Kelp Fish that was wedged in a rock making it impossible for me to take his picture.
On our swim in we hit quite a bit of surge and finally Jesus signaled he had enough and wanted to surface, this stuff doesn't really get me, its more of a little thrill ride bonus for the dive. Good thing we came up we were to far West and on our course would never had made the stairs but hit the cliff at Alligator Head instead. Very short swim around to the Cove though.

Date: 2/9/07
Dive Location: La Jolla Vallecitos
Buddy(ies): VetDiver, Divinman, ChickoftheSea
Time: 6:17am descent
Bottom Time: 70 min
Max Depth: 67 feet
Vis: 25-30 feet
Wave height: 1 feet maybe on the set waves
Temp at depth: 58F though I'm still convinced my computer is high on these temps
Another Friday and another dawn patrol, ankles slappers, glassy surface, no wind, no surge, no current, dang what more could you ask for....
So making our way to Vallecitos point from the Northern edge we did a really nice slow relaxing dive of exploration along the 50 foot contour with walls that drop to 60 then 70 and so on. Lobster, baby Rockfish, Octopus, Goby's, Barred Sand Bass, Perch, a school of baitfish all before we hit the point. Once we got to the point, Blue Banded Goby's, Nudi eggs everywhere but the only nudi's I found were the teeny tiny not photographable unless you have Ken's camera Doto's. Kelp Crabs, more Octo's, more Rockfish, baby Giant Kelp Fish, baby Sheephead, baby Blacksmith, Tube Anenomes all in attendance.
We actually got to explore the entire point and the wall on the southern edge running back east. Made it to the cinder block before heading up the sand and the swim back in which was very uneventful again. Stood up in 4 feet of water with big ole grins on our faces.
Seemed as though most of the critters today were trying to hide or in disguise, just a few...

I think this one is trying to decide to wig or not to wig

I love these guys, can you see him, I'm telling you master of camoflauge