2 Dives @ Vet's Park
Date: 8/17/2006
Dive Location: Vet's Park, Redondo Beach, CA
Buddy(ies): Shanon, Jesus & Jeff C.
Time: 6:30pm
Bottom Time: 50 minutes
Max Depth: 97 fsw
Vis: 20 to 30 feet
Wave height: flat
Temp at depth: 59
Surface Temp: 70someting
Date: 8/17/2006
Dive Location: Vet's Park, Redondo Beach, CA
Buddy(ies): Shanon
Time: 8:55pm
Bottom Time: 43 minutes
Max Depth: 71 fsw
Vis: 20 to 30 feet
Wave height: flat
Temp at depth: 59
Surface Temp: Same as before
Redondo Lake was placid last evening. Entries and exits were child's play (we kinda did play around until getting serious). The first dive brought us down to the Gini cave line @ 95'fsw, where we expertly silted things up. Fortunately, Shanon wears a radioactive yellow/green dry suit, so I easily found her and suggested we move out of the cloud. It was getting near shift-change, and the octo's were half in/half out of their hidey holes, and the usual suspects were starting to head in. I have never seen so many food cans as I have recently at Vet's. Where there's a food can, there's bound to be an octo. For the exit, we swam up to about 4'fsw, sat down, removed fins, and stood up.
Second dive was true night. Sleepy rock fish everywhere! Octo were also plentiful, as were sheep crab. There was something different about this dive...now...what was it? :huh:
Oh yeah! I brought my camera! Here are the best of the poor shots:
OK...so following this wonderful second dive, we return to the parking lot, de-gear, and discover that the pocket that holds my car key is open and empty.:11: :crying2:
The wonderful people I was diving with (Shanon, Chris A., & ICE) made sure that I didn't suffer from hypothermia by providing me with warm clothes and jackets while I awaited the wife with my spare key. I must publicly state my humblest and sincerest gratitude to these fine people for showing what being a buddy is all about.
PS: It appears my gallery doesn't point to the pics directly, but uses symlinks. It saves SB some bandwidth, but it means you must click each link...sorry.