JMdiver:Hi Divinman,
Nice shots as usual & that's a good shot of a copper rockfish.
Happy Diving
Great job Terry.
John, I'm pretty sure that's a gopher rockfish. Here's a couple copper's I've seen at marineland:

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JMdiver:Hi Divinman,
Nice shots as usual & that's a good shot of a copper rockfish.
Happy Diving
LLKZ16:Hey Scott, this was from Friday.
Look familiar.....:11:
holy **** Lee!
I took my photo a few months ago...
that is unbeleiveable...
I guess that's his home... btw, I've read that rockfish can live a long time, up to 115 years.... hopefully we'll see him/her for many years to come...
JMdiver:Nope according to my RC ID cards it's a Copper Rockfish. It's too light & has a yellow bottom lip. The Gopher is darker.
Happy Diving
scottfiji:nice, I love a good Fish-id challenge... It's been a while
well, your reef-check id cards may need to be reprinted, lol.
should we make a friendly bet? dinner? air fills? carrying one's gear up and down a dive site of the winner's choice in malibu?
JMdiver:Sounds good to me. Lets put it out there for concenus & maybe my RC mentor Chris can help us out.
Happy Diving