The Mares & Dacor HUB

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I have a hub, I'm happy with it. No I'm not expert (like most everyone else here).

If you get one I do recommend that you install a swivel on the secondary, it will pull less and be more streamlined.

Yes they are mucho pricey if you pay full retail. I picked one up on ebay for $800.00US. I doubt any would say they could get high end rig that (bc and reg).

Briefing a dive buddy about your gear should be done before any dive. This is a non-issue.

Manual inflation hose, yes slighty more effort I would guess, but then I've never had to use (other than practice).

Air trim, its nice to be in most any position and inflate/deflate the bc.

The one thing that I thought was a joke when I bought it was the pneumatic tank strap. Wrong, I love it now, makes it too easy.

I don't like the bulk created by the octopus, I'd like to replace it with a small flat octopus (sorry don't remember the term).

If you have it worked on, either send the whole thing in, or break out a wrench to disconnect the component (if you feel comfortable doing this).

Which brings me to my problem, my first stage needs a rebuild. Can anyone give me part numbers or recommend someone who sells a rebuild kit?
Frogface once bubbled...
Yes they are mucho pricey if you pay full retail. I picked one up on ebay for $800.00US. I doubt any would say they could get high end rig that (bc and reg).

Halcyon 27 lb MC system: $505
Apeks ATX50 + ATX40: $366

$866, and that's retail price on the Halcyon. Want to go cheap, you can get a very nice back inflate BC from LP for $300, bringing your total to, er, $666.
Basically, everyone here pretty much agree's the HUB is a POS. Sorry to have to break it to you, but - yeah, it is.

Secondly, Jonnythan is right. Your comment about getting a top of the line BC and Reg is just plain wrong. The Apeks regulator combo is absolutely sweet - and used by cave or technical divers across the world. Whatever comes with the HUB - isn't.

Secondly, on price issues, Jonnythan wasn't even comparing apples to apples. The prices he quoted are full retail. If, like yourself, you run to E-Bay, you can get a backplate and wing combo for $400 or less, without too much problem.

Sorry dude - if I were you, I'd Ebay the Hub, recover some of what you paid and start over.
I am looking into buying the HUB Avantgarde for as my first BC and would like to know some better info about it than what I have read. I have compared prices and it will save me a lot of money by doing so. So please tell me about the pros and cons so I can make my decision.
Go into the search feature, and type in HUB. You'll learn more about that system then you probably want to.

Enjoy your research!

T_Mancini once bubbled...
I am looking into buying the HUB Avantgarde for as my first BC and would like to know some better info about it than what I have read. I have compared prices and it will save me a lot of money by doing so. So please tell me about the pros and cons so I can make my decision.

What size do you need? I have an Avantguard for sale! Having dived it, I can also tell you whatever you need to know - PM me for some constructive discussion instead of all this.
We've gone and done a lot of work to answer a myriad of your questions over all sorts of topics - and you go and try to sell the man a HUB?????

Shame on you! Do the proper thing and go use it for target practice or something. Let me appeal to your sense of honesty and decency.

Yeah - but its your fault I'm selling it!!!!:D :D

Having used it, I can give an honest assesment of it's performance, and I would be the first to say - don't buy one. But - they are good rigs for recreational divers - having used them - I don't buy into all this death trap gloom and doom stuff.
Do you mean as in Mares vs Dacor? I don't have one, but I know that the Mares is more expensive. I guess that the brand of built-in regulators are the main difference between the HUBs.

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