The Great T-SHIRT Thread !!

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Sounds good but I tend to go with the scuba board header as well....

this is all sounding very good!!
How about a characature (sp?) of a diver.... pudgy, lots of clips and doo-dads, obvious brand names on all his gear.....looking confused. The message...I'm lost. Please return me to

It could be used for any of the NDI fact may be more appropriate since we all dive local low vis areas. The NDI chapters could also have something local like....TSDT - Please return me to Twin Lakes, ....Clear Springs, ....Lake Travis, etc.
Dee wrote...
How about a characature (sp?) of a diver.... pudgy, lots of clips and doo-dads, obvious brand names on all his gear.....looking confused. The message...I'm lost. Please return me to
Is this caricature really how you think of scubaboarders?

Dee once bubbled...
How about a characature (sp?) of a diver.... pudgy, lots of clips and doo-dads, obvious brand names on all his gear.....looking confused. The message...I'm lost. Please return me to

It could be used for any of the NDI fact may be more appropriate since we all dive local low vis areas. The NDI chapters could also have something local like....TSDT - Please return me to Twin Lakes, ....Clear Springs, ....Lake Travis, etc.

It's Raxafarian!!!
dsgobie once bubbled...

I don't think humor is needed. Although I wouldn't really mind. Just a simple shirt is all I need. If there is someone out there who is really interested in diving, then there isn't anything else to sell. Just a little reminder that there is a place on the internet that divers come to chat and share information, ideas etc.

I think that if we strive to make hurmor the main point/theme in the design, we(the board members) are trying to recruit user or page "hits" instead of new members.
yep thats it!!!!!!!!!!

We get "official" looking shirts Golf embroidered etc that have
Dihydrogen Monoxide research team (edited by me ) strike team and insert associates and add a division of NDI........

really make people think...........never mind the humourous fellows etc ...just one statement on the front.......

Hey I think I will have some business cards made up and a magnet for the car............;)
I did these on a recent trip with a couple of buddies. We got some laughs and chuckles. Took a little work, but the shirts came out great. Put a dive flag on the front pocket and 2003 on the sleeves.
dsgobie once bubbled...

I don't think humor is needed. Although I wouldn't really mind. Just a simple shirt is all I need. If there is someone out there who is really interested in diving, then there isn't anything else to sell. Just a little reminder that there is a place on the internet that divers come to chat and share information, ideas etc.

I think that if we strive to make hurmor the main point/theme in the design, we(the board members) are trying to recruit user or page "hits" instead of new members.

You do have a point, I was just thinking more of the psychological aspects that pleasing/catching things are more easily remembered than plain...(refer to commercials for proof...) and humor fit the bill to me.

But hey I am still in college getting my degree in psychology and sociology; so I am allowed to "forget" about the side effects right...(the hits not members part.) (Flimsy excuse I know)
How about Tasteful and tactful...and catchy...

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