The Great T-SHIRT Thread !!

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Picture : (prominent Image)
A chuckwagon diver standing on deck with every accessory you can imagine and two guys standing near by (smaller off on the side) with dollar signs for eyes discussing how much they can get for various articles on ebay.

The Caption: "If You Can't Save The Diver... Savage the Equipment"

with a very small cha-ching near the corner of the text.

Version two: the two guys.. One has a clipboard listing what the diver is wearing with prices and the other (has a text bubble) whispers " And you thought this guy was worthless"

Version three: substitute the two other guys with a list of things the diver is wearing with prices next to them. The dumber (read as most useless) the accessories the better.
Fully equiped diver on the shore sitting at a computer terminal. Show a little wave coming up onto the beach with his/her buddy getting in the water...

Caption...'one second buddy, I'm getting some good diving tips from'

have any ideas, but when that shirts are available to be purchased, let me know!:)

Great ideas, guys. Keep 'em coming!

ibny, you need to attach the image to your post. Make a new post, but before you click submit, look for the little box above the buttons that says something like "attach file". Browse to the image on your computer and click submit. That should do it.
graphic: a stylized shiny tank, maybe just by itself with a curvacious "hourglass" sillhouette instead of a straight cylinder. text: "caution: curves below" or "it's ok, i don't suck air like the boys" or just something simple like "get wet"

O.K...this was originally an idea my roomate, brother, and myself had for a 'Big Johnson' Regs and tanks shirt...but it can be adapted

"You can in deeper, stay down longer, and you'll always come up satisfied, when sucking off your DIY kit from"

Couple of Big Tanks, a few regs, and a cold beer in the hand of the little scubaboard diver...all being fondled by gorgeous ladies. This could all tkae place on a beachside bar setting, and the birds could be on the top of a tiki hut
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Lots of great ideas here, although you could skip all the sexual inuendo as far as I'm concerned.

What I'd really love is something I can wear to work on casual days. A Golf / Polo shirt with tasteful scuba flag and embroidered below.

Boring, I know...

Scuba-sass :-)

PS - And I deffinately want the Macaws on a T-shirt or Polo!

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