The FBI List

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DrySuitDave once bubbled...

"Anyone willing to give up essential liberty for a little peace and security is worthy of neither"

-Benjamin Franklin

When ol' Ben made that statement, I'm sure he hadn't taken the time to extrapolate out the potential of a passenger jet flying near sky scrapers...
Ben and his colleagues were thinking of Oliver Cromwell, a democraticaly elected leader who brought peace to a troubled land by stripping its citizens of their rights for a generation for and imposing tyranny and terror in the name of public safety.

If you weren't 'with them' you deserved no rights. Cromwell's world was black and white, with no nuances. The secret tribunals of England's Star Chamber courts spawned our bill of rights.

In history, peril is not novel. I think Ben would not be overwhelmed by our crisis de jure, and I doubt that he change his mind. But then, he wasn't driven by the polls and a pandering electronic media.
Spectre, I will have you know that as a closed circuit rebreather diver, I don't bubble.....unless of course I am venting counterlung gas expansion upon ascent.... :wink:
DivePartner1 once bubbled...
Ben and his colleagues were thinking of Oliver Cromwell, a democraticaly elected leader who brought peace to a troubled land by stripping its citizens of their rights for a generation for and imposing tyranny and terror in the name of public safety.

If you weren't 'with them' you deserved no rights. Cromwell's world was black and white, with no nuances. The secret tribunals of England's Star Chamber courts spawned our bill of rights.

In history, peril is not novel. I think Ben would not be overwhelmed by our crisis de jure, and I doubt that he change his mind. But then, he wasn't driven by the polls and a pandering electronic media.

Very well put. All too often I hear people say that the principles of our country's founders are no longer apropos, and I cannot agree more with the statement that peril is not novel, and that the concepts put forth then apply just as strongly today.

Yes, I'm probably on some of those government lists - I'm armed, I'm a diver, and I'm a pilot.

Dear All

I think perhaps for our cousins across the water that the definition of real ale should be considered. THe problem is that there appreciation of beer ( and I use the description loosley) is of a cool gassy fluid made from I do not know what, with an all important alcohol level of zilch.

Given that the legal age for the consumption of this fluid is 21, one wonders what would happen if they were to be introduced to
the wonders of such fine connoctions as Fuggles Chocolate Mild, or Ethelreads Whistle Belly Vengeance both of which will see off the most hardened of beer swilers who started training at the age of 18 if not younger.

Starting to try to appreciate good beer at the age of 21 when the taste buds are fully formed, seems a very good way to waste one of our finest resources. I would however like to suggest that we should invite our cousins from across the water to join with us
should they ever come to Blighty. An explanation that they have to go east from New York may be necessary.

A further point to consider is that of language and the problems that misdefinition brings. WE did teach them our language, the problem is that after 200 years of home rule they have F....d it up

comments please

Tim "gaschef" Stevens
Better remind the yankies that the route here is pronounced "Root" and not rought (the song route 66 has it right, a rought is a groove in a bit of wood).

In England we sit on our bums, and buns are something you eat with currents in. We have Tramps roaming the street for "fag ends"

We wear pants under our shorts (no wonder superman gets it wrong every time)

We also drink tea, which is even rarer in the US than beer. Hint, Tea is NOT cold nor lemony, and Liptons has nothing to do with it

Beer is BROWN in colour, the nasty yellow stuff is called lager and its illegal here to call it beer so they resorted to the marketing ploy of lager bier!!!!. Budweiser in the UK is stronger than in the US (still a nacy's drink though)

We drive cars, that actually steer, corner and go fast (when your not stuck at a roundabout or in Ken's mess) as they have light weight highly tuned engines, rather than 400BHP V546 but so heavy its a tank, oh and of course we drive on the same side of the road as the majority of people on the planet. The drawback is our Petrol (not Gas, thats LPG and other cars use that) is now over $5 a gallon, but all cars outside of America do 40+ mpg anyway

We too have a President in power who is happy for the US to send all the Mexicans and Cuban immigrants to us, we welcome all who come and give them houses and lots of taxpayers money. If they bring their own explosives and bio weopons so much the better

And you still owe us a lot of unpaid tea tax!!!!!!

:wink: :wink: :wink:
madmole once bubbled...

Makes you laugh that a country may be paranoid about divers but consider it perfectly acceptable for most of its inhabitants to run around with semi automatic weapons

Normally I really love your posts, MadMole, but not when you throw in snotty political comments that are not only not true, and come from a position of lack of knowledge, but really, really do NOT belong in this forum!:(
Madmole also forgets to mention that since the UK outlawed the last of the guns in the country & even outlaws self-defence, that the MURDER rate in London is going up.. up .. up..

I wonder if there is a connection :confused:

I also agree with BigJetDriver, I thought this was a diving site :confused: :confused:

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