The Aqualung Discussion [ Moved ]

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Extract from a TUSA letter from March 2003 (

"Since June 2002, we have been recording all serial numbers of regulators and BC's shipped out of TUSA. We will now commence a campaign of purchasing TUSA product from "gray" Internet sites and ebay and tracking the serial numbers to the point of purchase. Any dealer that is found trans-shipping TUSA product to non-authorized dealers or selling it on ebay will be automatically removed as a TUSA dealer."

So, if TUSA could do it in 2003, why can't AL do it?
Here are the top 10 wild speculations as of why - Letterman style:
1. 90% of their revenues come from gray market sales
2. They are incompetent at basic business management
3. They know what a "numero de serie" is but not a "serial number"
4. Management is stuck in 1970 and it will take another 30 years for them to think of tracking serial numbers
5. Their serial numbers are just cosmetic details and thus are not unique
6. They are so anti-Internet that they do not have Internet access in the office
7. They tried but did'nt know how to count beyond 5
8. They still can't figure out how to order from Ebay or Leisurepro
9. They are not sure what shade of gray the market really is
10. Their employee discount price is still higher than buying from Leisurepro
...take a look at the wiki link I provided about price fixing.
Don't rely on wikipedia as an authoritative source for legal information. Or for any subject that requires technical analysis. Except maybe the plot points on "Lost" or "24."
homo maris:
Extract from a TUSA letter from March 2003 (

"Since June 2002, we have been recording all serial numbers of regulators and BC's shipped out of TUSA. We will now commence a campaign of purchasing TUSA product from "gray" Internet sites and ebay and tracking the serial numbers to the point of purchase. Any dealer that is found trans-shipping TUSA product to non-authorized dealers or selling it on ebay will be automatically removed as a TUSA dealer."

So, if TUSA could do it in 2003, why can't AL do it?
Here are the top 10 wild speculations as of why - Letterman style:
1. 90% of their revenues come from gray market sales
2. They are incompetent at basic business management
3. They know what a "numero de serie" is but not a "serial number"
4. Management is stuck in 1970 and it will take another 30 years for them to think of tracking serial numbers
5. Their serial numbers are just cosmetic details and thus are not unique
6. They are so anti-Internet that they do not have Internet access in the office
7. They tried but did'nt know how to count beyond 5
8. They still can't figure out how to order from Ebay or Leisurepro
9. They are not sure what shade of gray the market really is
10. Their employee discount price is still higher than buying from Leisurepro
Way to go Tusa!

It's not a complicated thing to do... if they wanted to do it, it'd be done.

Your top ten list is hilarious! I like #10 the most... sadly, it's probably true!

What's the petition they are talking about in the thread referenced above? (the one they were sending to Aqualung? ) what ever happened to it if it was an Aqualung thing?
Don't rely on wikipedia as an authoritative source for legal information. Or for any subject that requires technical analysis. Except maybe the plot points on "Lost" or "24."


Most state statutes provide that fixing the price of a product or service in agreement with another individual or business is illegal. The general rule provides that a vendor may not in combination with another vendor agree to set a certain price thereby creating a fixed price within a certain market. A business acting on its own and not in concert with another may use legitimate efforts to obtain the best price they can, including their ability to raise prices to the detriment of the general public. Also, conformity of prices within a given product is not illegal unless such conformity was created by a combination of vendors agreeing on a set price. For example, where competitors agree to sell their goods or services at a specified price, minimum price or maximum price and they receive profits from such an agreement, they are in violation of price fixing. Additionally, setting a price to be charged only within a certain area in order to get rid of competition or to create a monopoly is generally illegal under most state laws. A majority of states have also enacted a "Below-Sales-Cost" law wherein businesses may not sell goods below cost if they do so with anti-competitive intent or effect.

This information is only a brief summary of the extensive price fixing laws and regulations. For specific application of price fixing regulations, please consult with an attorney.

Pretty much says the same thing.
Wow... What a read! Never could I imagine a thread generating such a huge response! But this is so important...

At what point does a small company lose it's humanity. Sadly, we have become so inundated with immoral and unethical business practices that we can't decide who the honest ones are. Oil companies, Enron, Microsoft; one shouldn't expect to see SCUBA manufacturers lumped in with that group. I mean they can't have a high enough sales volume to only look at the numbers, can they?

I expect anti-consumer from cell phone companies, from WalMart; not from an LDS or a AL, or Oceanic, or Mares, etc.

I have purchased from gray-market/Ebay before... I prefer my LDS. I wish capitalism wasn't so profitable and that we weren't trained to "find" the best price before we buy. We should be asking for the best price. And who we buy from should be able to give us the best price.

This thread is very intriguing and fast paced... I hope it proves succesful.

P.S. In school one of my prof. quoted a philosepher, it was something like: "There is no sound justification for profit; how can you charge someone more than the service is worth?"
Let me pipe in...

I was thinking of buying a Sea Quest passport BCD (good reviews etc.) But then, Sea Quest is an AL brand... Buying a Zeagle :wink:

AL is but a tiny part of Air Liquide's business. Their biggest business is cryogenic & compressed gases (as in medical oxygen, liquid nitrogen, argon cylinders, etc.).

To them, the Scuba business is like camping stoves to Exxon.
Let me pipe in...

I was thinking of buying a Sea Quest passport BCD (good reviews etc.) But then, Sea Quest is an AL brand... Buying a Zeagle :wink:

AL is but a tiny part of Air Liquide's business. Their biggest business is cryogenic & compressed gases (as in medical oxygen, liquid nitrogen, argon cylinders, etc.).

To them, the Scuba business is like camping stoves to Exxon.
Okay, fine - but many of us care how they play in our industry. We can make our statement against wrong doing and maybe cost them some business. Personally, I hope this thread generates enough hits to show up in the top ten of a Aqua Lung Google Search.

I changed the second line of my Sig. :D
AP Wire 23:02 05-12-06:
Aqualung Press Release

Newly apointed Aqualung Information Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf issued the following statement this evening regarding Aqualung business practices and roadmap for future operations.

"There has been much rumor and lies by the unfaithful! There is some saying Aqualung and Apeks regulators are selling at rock-bottom prices on the Internet. I stand before you today to say THERE IS NO INTERNET. Internet is a lie of the capitalist pigs! There is not any Internet, and if there was an Internet, which there isn't, there would be no Aqualung/Apeks regulators for sale there. Aqualung is the inovator and the leader! If there was an Internet we would be the first to know about it! But there is no Internet, and there are no regulators there! These lies about imaginary Internet and imaginary regulators will be exposed and regional price fixing will prevail!"

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