The All Inclusive SCUBA Tattoo Thread

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Get your DAN card tattooed on your rear!

I've been working on a design with two sharks circling each other, on is a hammerhead and the other is a reef shark. If anyone has any ideas where i might find some cool designs, please let me know. I've tried everywhere, the library, bookstores, internet, tatoo parlors.

I have a very similar design. I have a hammerhead and a Moray circling a Trident. I will take a pic and post it latter if I don't forget.
Ok here it is, it's not finished, still got some backround to do but the actual image isn't going to change.
There was a thread somewhere on SB where an artist was offering to do concept sketches, but I can't find it any more - I'd like to get a teensy Hello Kitty diver on my right lower back. (See pic, but I'd want to add a tank on her back)
I thought that I would share a tattoo that I saw last summer. I found it quite funny.
There was a guy wearing shorts and he had a tattoo of a squirrel CLIMBING UP the back of his calf. On the other calf the squirrel was CLIMBING DOWN with a NUT in his mouth! so where do you think he got the nut from??? LOL

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