...but tattooing and body-marking go back several thousand years. I think the world gets hung up on the "Oh, these gaudy people, following their trends and being trendy with their trendiness...." type of mindset. Hey, live a little. Get a tattoo. Get a bunch. Get them where no one can see them, or get them where the whole world can see them. People that say they don't do something because it's trendy are the ones that are worried, not only about what people think about NOW, but what people are going to think about them 5, 10 or 20 years down the road! WOW! That's a lot of worrying!
"Oh, you'll never be able to live with yourself if you get one and they become un-trendy...". Sure you will. If I couldn't live with myself over half the things I had been told I wouldn't be able to live with myself for, I'd be dead a dozen times over.
So, I say, if you're going to get one, you're probably doing it for yourself. If you're not, you should ask yourself why not. If you can say, "Because I don't like them and I just don't want one.", then that's the one and only reason you should give. If it's, "It's trendy now, but it won't be", or, "People think people with tattoos are so low-class.", you're hung up on other people's impressions of you.
Anyway, my next tattoo was going to be a dragon, done in the Chinese style. However, found out yesterday that I'm leaving for the big sandbox. So, I'm going out next week to have my wedding rings tattooed on my finger. And I'll say this. I'm doing it for me, but I'm doing it so my wife knows I'll be thinking about her. The only person's opinion that matters to me.
Y'all get to diving for me.