this is board is constantly saying its "family oriented"
I worry that some little kid will read your posts and think most people think tatoos are ok.
The truth is most people dont approve of visible tatoos and the kids tha read these posts should know it
Trying getting a job in an office with a tattoo on your neck
or better yet see what guys think of girls with a tattoo on their breast
this fad went thruogh LA 15 years ago and those same people are now paying to get them burned off
The problem is that when you remove the tattoo the scar remains
Just my two cents
So, a trend went through LA 15 years ago and now people are trying to reverse it? I'd say if anything lasts 15
minutes in LA,it's a triumph.
"Think about the children!" Yes, indeed. I fear they may read this board and decide that you can't do what you want without narrow-minded suburbanites trying to pigeonhole you into being a sheep. Mofo, sounds like you want us to go along with the "popular" notion about tattoos. My friend, doesn't that make you King of the Sheeple?
Try getting a job in an that the highest state I should long for? No thanks, I'll take my two masters degrees and do something I enjoy. Sound okay with you, Milton. Here's your stapler, by the way. Don't forget the cover sheet on your TPS reports.
Let's see...what else did you say. Oh, that thing about girls and tattoos. Well, if she has a good personality, we shouldn't really worry about what she looks like, should we? Especially nude. Not sure the kind of girl
you run with, but I know every girl I've ever dated waited until at least, oh, I don't know, the third or fourth date before we got
that far. Yes, that's what we need in this world...more men fixated with a woman's looks rather than her mind.
I don't think anyone is talking about visible tattoos. Most of the tattoos described here are visible only to the owner, barring some freak de-clothing accident. Most tattoos are professionally done, and depending on placement, last 50 years or more without showing signs of fading.
A solution to the tattoo removal scar is...don't get it removed!
Finally, to all the little kiddies that are reading this board. Don't worry. Mofo is what we like to call an anachronism. Likes to hold outdated notions. Besides, if you're reading this board, you're probably old enough to dive. Hence, you're probably above the age of 12. So, try and remember back about 4 years know...when you were eight. You'll understand Mofo's logic.