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On my first open water check out dive the weather was rough, the waves were high and there was strong surge. We had a long surface swim out to a line and buoy and the instructor told us to hang on to the line and not to let go. I felt like i was nuts for even putting myself in such a scary position. Up to that day I'd never even been out past my depth before in the sea. Then of course there had to be an incident to freak me out even further, a more experienced diver came to the surface and waved for help, he didn't feel comfortable in the sea conditions and wanted out! I really wanted out then but I stuck it out, made sure I was first down the descent line to get away from the face slapping waves and discovered that underwater was definitely the place I wanted to be. So that was my introduction to scuba diving, but maybe it was a good thing to start with the bad stuff because It has only gotten better and I know now I can handle it- but talk about a baptism of fire.

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