I realize I'm about to get blasted for saying this, but I strongly recommend Force Fins with a bungee strap. The bungee serves the same purpose the spring strap does on the Jet Fins. Your fins should also be hot pink. Now, let me defend myself....
Jet Fins, long fins, gorilla fins, etc. all provide a lot of power underwater. Force Fins, in comparison, provide less power but greater efficiency. That means if you want to travel 1000', you can do it faster with Jet Fins but use less air with Force Fins. I've found that air consumption is a far more important issue, for me anyway, than speed/power/thurst, etc. If anything, I've found that most divers, including myself, need to slow down underwater.
You'll find that almost all tech divers have black fins so the hot pink fins will help you stand apart. Your fins will be less likely to be stolen. Most importantly, hot pink fins will help remind you to keep your ego in check, not be a know-it-all, done-it-all, and not be so competitive with other divers.
By the way, most divers who have used long fins and then try Force Fins, get turned off early on because they have to re-learn how to kick. Force Fins also slow them down. You'll find though that a diver who learns in Force Fins stays in Force Fins.