Once you get trained up there are a number of good sites for tech dives on the island, probably a lot more I don't know about/have never dove. Here are a few that we've done:
Split Rock, good starter site at 150fsw
Secret Gardens, 140fsw
Friendship wreck, 190fsw
Biplane wreck, Haunama, 155 fsw
Helldiver plane wreck, 230fsw, west side
Great Wall, Hawaii Kai, 240fsw
Coal Barge, 200?fsw, Mamala Bay
Eyes of God, 140fsw-250fsw, West side
Leper's Pinnacle, 130fsw-220fsw, Kalapapa Molokai
I certainly don't want to get dragged into a PADI/non PADI, rebreather/non rebreather debate, but regardless of the way you go, there is stuff out there to see and explore beyond 130fsw. FYI, Jo is leaving for San Diego soon. He'll be back fairly regularly, but if you want to get Fundamentals training in better get to him quick.