Some years ago, GUE created a more direct path to rebreather training, allowing divers to take its CCR1 introductory rebreather course without first taking its Tech 2 open circuit course. According to president Jarrod Jablonski, the organization is currently evaluating a variety of pathways that provide access to rebreather diving even earlier in the technical training process. If approved, these changes would likely take place before the end of 2024.
“For now, GUE has approved the opportunity for waiver of the 25 deep experience dives after Tech 1 training, greatly reducing the cost of gasses needed for progression to the CCR1 program,” Jablonski told InDEPTH, meaning that GUE divers can take their CCR1 course directly after completing Tech 1. “The waiver is case-dependent and not compulsory for a given instructor, but can be a useful stop-gap measure while GUE formalizes an optimal path forward given all the variables involved.”