A number of schools from all over the country have ordered my DVD "Return of the Plankton." It is a good overview of critters and how the underwater food web changes with the seasons in the Pacific Northwest cold water.
School Library Journal (November 2005) page 70:
"Narrated by a high school science teacher and the videographer, the outstanding information and beautiful scenery makes for an unusually engaging film...The technical aspects are excellent, the narration is easy to follow, and terms are defined as necessary. What makes this film noteworthy is the supurb photography. Sea plants and animals are clearly shown in their natural habitat, making this underwater world come alive."
The DVD can be ordered from my web site.
If you're adventuresome, you might also take a look at the book, "Build Your Own Underwater Robot," Harry Bohm and Vickie Jensen. Numerous high schools have used this for class projects, building inexpensive ROVs that can carry a camera payload. There are even competitions between schools. In our county, the schools have managed to get some volunteer help from the local navy and marine contractors.
Cool! Thank you very much; I will definitely check out the web site. The ROV model making sounds like fun too.