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Anyone want to join me and a buddy in Jupiter this weekend?

crd_kats and I are looking for a dive . . . but need to make a decision soon . . . I have a lot of tanks with rich mixes so I would have to lean them out or dive my doubles.

What's the plan ???
My buddy and I are set up on Randy's boat Saturday and Sunday. 3 Tank dive each day. $80 and a boxed lunch is provided. We will be spearing. The first dive is generally the deep ledge, 130' +. I dive it with 30% and the other two dives with 36% (They are 80'-90')
My buddy and I are set up on Randy's boat Saturday and Sunday. 3 Tank dive each day. $80 and a boxed lunch is provided. We will be spearing. The first dive is generally the deep ledge, 130' +. I dive it with 30% and the other two dives with 36% (They are 80'-90')
KBeck and I are thinking of hooking up with JDC and seeing some Lemon Sharks...

There's also the mating Tiger sharks right off of Palm Beach/Riviera Beach. We might want to look into something from there as well
OK all this diving is gettin' me real jealous and depressed..
Sharks Swarm Beaches Off Singer Island

Beachgoers Told To Stay Out Of Water

POSTED: 12:34 pm EST January 28, 2009
UPDATED: 6:50 pm EST January 28, 2009

RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. -- Swimmers were told to stay out of the water Wednesday after thousands of sharks were spotted off Singer Island.
Red flags posted at the lifeguard stands served as reminders to beachgoers to stay out of the water.
Mark Northrup didn't know what the flags meant until he saw a shark do a barrel-roll out of the water.
"Normally we do see a lot of sharks migrating through this area in the wintertime," said Carrie Murphy of the Loggerhead Marine Center. "If they are chasing baitfish, that would be one reason why they're coming closer into shore."
Despite the red-flag warnings, most beachgoers did not seem to mind.
Sharks force Riviera Beach to close beach
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 29, 2009

RIVIERA BEACH — Twin red flags are fluttering at the city's lifeguard stands, warning swimmers to stay out of the Atlantic Ocean while sharks do their annual feeding. "Sharks were jumping yesterday completely out of the water. Mouths open and eyes closed," said beach attendant Bob Bezdziecki as he set up blue cushions Thursday on lawn chairs east of the former Ocean Mall. "There were hundreds of 'em. Some were only 10 feet off shore."

Nurse, black tip, spinner and an occasional bull - the most dangerous of sharks - have been gathering off shore as the chase the winter migration of small fish. Riviera Beach closed for swimmers on Jan. 22. Closing the beach because of sharks usually happens this time of year, said Frank Souder, Riviera Beach aquatics superintendant.
"Our beach is still a nice place to be. You just can't swim," Souder said,
The sharks like to gather over shallow sandbars where the water is warm. They hover until a school of fish attracts them toward shore or a boat comes by and scares them toward the beach. The sharks are more visible this time of year because the ocean is clear and calm, said Palm Beach County Ocean Rescue lifeguard Steve Kaes.
"The sharks and the tourists, they come together," said Kaes.

Diane Leco, visiting from Massachusetts, said the sharks won't keep her out of the water.
"I'll go in, but I'll stay in real shallow water," said Leco, as she touched her toes in the waves.

Bad idea, said Souder.
"We're telling lifeguards to keep people out, even up to their ankles. Sharks can grab you in very shallow water," Souder said.

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