Tambor, Nicoya peninsula

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I am staying at the Barcelo in mid August, and just wondering if anyone has dove the area or can recomend an operator. Are there any decent dives in this area, I know the black sand makes the water visability pretty bad inshore, but I would think offshore has to be better.
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around Tambor are one dive operator and it's called Tortuga Dive Club.
Scuba Diving - Costa Rica Diving - Tortuga Island Diving Club

There is no offshore diving and the seabed is made of white sand (especially at Tortuga Island), so viz is not influenced by the dark sand. Viz is influenced by the rain falls and subsequently the river runoff what is the reason that i close my shop as soon the diving conditions are too bad.
Check with them to get informations about viz and general diving conditions.

Thanks Chris, I appreciate your help and all of your input on the Board.
Thanks again

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