I don the lower half of my suit, then fold the first inch of 2 of my wrist seals inside out from the outside. Apply your talc and use a finger or two to distribute it in the inverted seals, then revert the seal. Slim your hand by squeezing your thumb toward your pinky and heavily talc your fingers, knucles, and thumb muscle and insert through the seal. Only small adjustment should be needed after that and you are less likely to have the suit seal stretch, rip, or roll up backwards on your wrists. Talc should not be needed on neck seal as your hands normally do the stretching of the seal to fit your head. If you have a traditional chest zip (front or back) put the top portion of the suit above you and insert your hands on the inside of the seal, one in front of your face, and one behind your head. Only a slight stretch is needed and you can pull it over your head. Remove hair from the seal, zip, and dive