Well it's a good thing
@MrChen is skipping Alexander Springs.
Some lady got bit in the face by the Gator today.
A Florida woman was snorkeling with a friend at Alexander Springs Recreation Area over the weekend when a nine-foot alligator attacked her and bit her forehead, she told FOX 35.
Gators don't like bubbles. We used to slide under them and make them scoot with a burst under their tummies.

9 foot is still kinda small to be aggressive. I bet she startled the poor thing. Gators on the hunt usually grab a limb and do their death roll. It pulls the unfortunate limb right off. Gee, if it grabbed her face or head and rolled, that would be horrific. I did get hit with a tail once when I bubbled a gator. That was the end of doing that, and it was a dandy of a bruise, too! Alexander usually pulls gators out of the swimming area when they get to be 5 ft or longer. That doesn't stop them from swimming back in, though. There's a nice canopy they can hide in that surround a bit over half of the swimming area there.
You're not supposed to remember such things. At least I didn't get a ticket.

FWC can and will stop you for not having a flag, if they see it. That guy was almost on top of us the whole way from the eye to the main spring run.
How often are there diver/gator crossings in the springs?
I've seen the Peacock gator a few times, but it's been a while. The last time I saw him, he was too small to be of concern unless you startled it. I had a gator settle down in the middle of a class at Alexander once. Kinda fun. All the bubbles from the students as they were freaking out was funny. If you don't bother them, they won't bother you. But if you startle ANY wild creature, the end result is often painful.
Gators don't like human interactions. Most creatures don't like the us, as they think we are always in hunt mode because of the way we want to get a closer look. 10 to 12 feet are at the low end of a gator that will start to hunt a human. However, it should be pointed out that a gator's favorite food are yappy dogs. Don't walk your puppy by any water in Florida. They are prime targets.