Table Rock Weekend (Long Version)

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may and june have been the best vis for us, have you ever seen the bell that hangs from the top of the east span about 30' north of the down line
hmm cool bgray florida and i are going tomarrow, we may have to check out this bell, ill let everyone know what the viz and temp are
Hey Pete, not to disappoint you but I wont be taking you to the bell anytime soon. That is one dive you guys arne't quite ready for. We'll have a good time at some other sites though!
Whats the current depth of the top of the bridge? When I was there it was 105' but was told it was in 70'.
Whats the current depth of the top of the bridge? When I was there it was 105' but was told it was in 70'.

When we dove there Sunday (5/15/05) morning, top of bridge was at about 100'. As we descended, it came into view at about 70'. Water temp was about 48 degs at depth.

Hey Pete, not to disappoint you but I wont be taking you to the bell anytime soon. That is one dive you guys arne't quite ready for. We'll have a good time at some other sites though!
not disapointed at all, way out of my dive scope! we will someday though, had a great weekend. learned alot and got wet. the viz was horrible (1-2 ft) untill 25 ft than cleared up to about 20-25 ft all but indian point the viz was never that great. thanks to b gray and florida for a good time
24 of us (2 BOATS) on the rock 12,13,14 vis on the main lake was 30' back in the coves you had crap on the top 20 feet or so then it opend up . on the bridg you "cansee" from one side to side the fresh water jelly fish were at 30 feet top is at 98' bell at 106 roadbed at 135' river bottem on south pilling was 174' (trymix) .maybe a better dive than the bridg is the masive overhag on the wall at mino cove .

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