Table Rock Lake Open Water Certification

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Glad to hear you got through most of your skills. Diving in a cold/dark lake will only make you a better diver. Most of the sites at Table Rock are pretty steep. If you were to go to about 50' at Dewey Short you would find that the wall gets very, very steep. Lots of others places in the lake have vertical walls. I haven't dove Beaver Lake a ton, but if you go out on a boat, you'll likely head to the Foundations. That site is about 12-18 feet deep before any kind of drop off starts (it's on a Bluff).

Nagel: The guys I was with this weekend mentioned that a few people have died on the wreck...I guess I can't speak much about who/when. They've been diving TRL for 30 years so I took their word. For what it's worth, I looked online but couldn't find anything about deaths at the site.
I could definitely see somebody getting into trouble on the Zeb....lots of entanglement issues. I know one diver that regularly penetrated the wreck, I wouldn't and I don't think he would now days either. I've never heard of anybody dying on the wreck, but I don't know everything about the dive site either.

Okay, back to regular programming...sorry for the short hijack.

what is the history of the zeb if you guys would not mind?
Yep we are Seriously highjacking her thread!

So... the Zebulon Pike links dont work but you have peeked my intrest in seeing this boat. Would it be best to see this site during the winter months or realy spring when viz is the best and do I have any takers on such a dive? I would like to get pics of this as well.
I also think this would be a good time to hit the old bridge and see the bell if its still their.

And IslandGirl welcome to the ranks!! Hope to see you sometime around the area!
The links work when I click on them.
I dived the zeb a few weeks ago & vis was really poor 5 ft or so.
I was told by the guys in the dive shop at State Park manrina that the vis is best in the spring. I recently bought a 24 ft pontoon, so we could plan a trip to dive the Zeb & some other spots on table rock when the vis is better.

HoLy CrAp!! I'm so in. That is a huge dive site!

The links work when I click on them.
I dived the zeb a few weeks ago & vis was really poor 5 ft or so.
I was told by the guys in the dive shop at State Park manrina that the vis is best in the spring. I recently bought a 24 ft pontoon, so we could plan a trip to dive the Zeb & some other spots on table rock when the vis is better.

Its prob my crap computer why the links dont work.
But I would be in on something like that. spring is the best time to see new things if they are very deep.
LOL at you guys hijacking my thread! Really, I don't mind. As long as I sparked some cool conversation and it looks like maybe some will get together to dive this mysterious Zebulon Pike! That's worth it right there! If you want to read about my certification adventures...go to My Amphibian Metamorphosis | Jon and Phyllis & check it out. I put it together as Part 1, 2 and 3 so be sure to catch them all.

I wouldn't be interested in diving the lakes right now but maybe after I get some dives under my belt I can revisit that idea.

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