swimming with stage bottles

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As suggested by PSP and "The Mystical Seeker of Caves", rearranging your harness to tuck one or two side bottles (as appropriate) will help a lot.

When I changed over to a backplate and harness on my Yellow Box of Debt, I put an SS 45 degree D-ring just below each shoulder, and a 90 degree D-ring just aft of each hip-bone. With an SS dog-leash clip (bolt-snap, insert favorite term, whatever) at the neck ring, and one about a third of the way up from the base of the cylinder, they stay tight to the body as PSP suggested. Use the longer, and thinner tanks for less gas, as opposed to short fat ones. Just clip on what you need and go. If you are not using side-tanks on a particular dive, the D-rings are handy for anything else, such as camera attachment points, etc.

Just a suggestion. BJD :anakinpod

This isn't the best picture of trim (I'm headup for the picture) but it serves the purpose... Don't make fun of my ORANGE fins, My student's never have problems identifying me!
I am using a standard Inspiration Harness with a 40cf on my left side (look carefully you will only see the reg!) Definately doesn't create extra drag
I'll see if I can get Dave Himself to visit and answer that. The horses mouth so to speak

I just hope he slows down tinkering. All his new inventions and ideas are costing me a fortune and its his bloody fault I ended up with a Land Rover to transport all my diving junk!!!! :biggrin2:

Still it does have compensations cos you can do this Playing Saturday between dives with it and not have to worry about Sorb and Mix. Cant go as deep though. Current max depth is about 0.5m till I move the inhalation side up a bit :snorkel:

Hey mole in a past life (when I lived in the UK) I used to build and race Landrover based off-roaders. Not as shinny or as posh as yours though, Old Ford V6 engine squeezed into a Landrover lightweight (ex army air-portable)mostly. Fun - with a capital F! Also had a Diesel 12 seater with a snorkel that we used for safari - I tried to impress my ex-wife by crossing a stream in Portugal once, didn't drown but we did bog down in the middle and had to get rescued! Ive got a pic here somewhere. :D
Ah mud and Land Rovers must be a Diver thing then. This is Daves reply

"The backmounted CLs were designed cos im fed up with a cluttered front. The one you can see are just prototypes to get the shape right. The WOB is actually EASIER than the OTS lungs in all positions except on my back, but I dont dive like that.

I have been playing with the shape to get the static lung loading good and I think I have achieved that, breathes just like the OTS ones (except on my
back) getting in and out the rig is much easier and clipping/unclipping stages is a breeze.

All in all a much more comfortable setup (for me)


Sounds like another mod to my unit coming up
The WOB is actually EASIER than the OTS lungs in all positions except on my back, but I dont dive like that.

Easier? Great! That goes against what Ive been led to believe by 'popular theory' but I always wondered. I wonder why the YBOD, Prism etc are using OTS lungs ?? Has anyone ever lab tested the WOB on the KISS?

I would love to get rid of the chest clutter so I will be VERY kean to get a pair should they prove effective.....where do I sign? :D

They are stricktly Blue Peter Specials at present. Even if the design is good it will be very difficult to get anyone this side of the pond to make em. They are all terrified of touching anything related to CE after the gestapo hit Bob, hence you cant get the neoprene lungs anymore

For the Americans, Blue Peter is a kids show, where each week they make something really useful (like booster rockets for your space ship), out of washing up liquid botles, string and sticky back plastic. They are the show that coined the "Heres one I made earlier" phrase, when they produce an immaculate painted and tidy full size Quad bike that bears no resemblance to the 4 washing up liquid bottles and straws they had 5 seconds before
Before getting back to the RBs, nice Discovery, Stephen.
My girlfriend has a soft spot for those. I'm suprised to see you have neither a snorkel, nor a convoluted hose from the exhaust past a roof-mounted scrubber for CO removal to said snorkel. :wink:
I always liked the Defenders a lot, the 88s and 109s before that. :D
The boards Land Rover thread is here:
Check out the link to the Defender CKD and you know what I want.

Easier? Great! That goes against what Ive been led to believe by 'popular theory' but I always wondered. I wonder why the YBOD, Prism etc are using OTS lungs ?? Has anyone ever lab tested the WOB on the KISS?
Same here. From my experience the ots lungs breathe better than the backmounted ones. I wonder if it has anything to do with them being ots-backmounted - they must be higher up than the KISS'. And being between the diver and the wing, as close to the body as possible.

Don't make fun of my ORANGE fins, My student's never have problems identifying me!
I am using a standard Inspiration Harness with a 40cf on my left side (look carefully you will only see the reg!) Definately doesn't create extra drag
I would never make fun of your fin color, I know you NYers are very fashion sensitive. But doesn't that fat hose on the bottom of the pic create a lot of drag? What is that, by the way? Extension cord for all your electronics?
They are stricktly Blue Peter Specials at present. Even if the design is good it will be very difficult to get anyone this side of the pond to make em. They are all terrified of touching anything related to CE after the gestapo hit Bob, hence you cant get the neoprene lungs anymore

For the Americans, Blue Peter is a kids show, where each week they make something really useful (like booster rockets for your space ship), out of washing up liquid botles, string and sticky back plastic. They are the show that coined the "Heres one I made earlier" phrase, when they produce an immaculate painted and tidy full size Quad bike that bears no resemblance to the 4 washing up liquid bottles and straws they had 5 seconds before
Not quite correct, Stephen, we will be offering the BM CL's, on this side of the pond we are not yet governed by anything as restrictive and crushing as the CE compliancy so we will be plowing ahead and will keep everybody informed as we progress.
Sling bottles would only be used for the occassional deco dive, whereas most dives would be no deco, so those nice trick large cases would require quite a bit of work to change back and forth from.


Actually, the slick case that I posted the pictures of is only slightly longer than the factory case. It has such a slick shape that there is no increased drag. For normal dives, whatever you may consider that to be, the internal seven-liter bottles provide plenty of gas. You don't change anything. If you want a separate bottle, say for argon for your suit, it latches onto the bottom bracket. If you want to carry one, or two sling bottles, they go on the harness D-rings. It is a very flexible system!

BJD :anakinpod

Actually, the slick case that I posted the pictures of is only slightly longer than the factory case. It has such a slick shape that there is no increased drag. For normal dives, whatever you may consider that to be, the internal seven-liter bottles provide plenty of gas. You don't change anything. If you want a separate bottle, say for argon for your suit, it latches onto the bottom bracket. If you want to carry one, or two sling bottles, they go on the harness D-rings. It is a very flexible system!

BJD :anakinpod
It's also a home away from home, you can take the bottles and scrubber out curl up inside it and pull the lid closed and get a nice quiet nap<G> Just make sure you don't squash your packed lunch eh eh eh,
It's also a home away from home, you can take the bottles and scrubber out curl up inside it and pull the lid closed and get a nice quiet nap<G> Just make sure you don't squash your packed lunch eh eh eh,

It makes a great carrier for small pets when you travel, and at home it makes great housing for your girlfriend's pet ferrets!

BJD :lol3:

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