swimming with stage bottles

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How about adding a bit more drag to the CCR and reducing the drag of the bailouts?
If 7ltr. tanks are enough for your bailout requirements, you get one of the larger custom boxes and mount them inboard (2x7ltr) and mount the CCR supply (or even just the O2 supply) outboard. Just something to ponder.

Perhaps something like this box might be to your liking. :anakinpod
Sling bottles would only be used for the occassional deco dive, whereas most dives would be no deco, so those nice trick large cases would require quite a bit of work to change back and forth from.
Sling bottles would only be used for the occassional deco dive, whereas most dives would be no deco, so those nice trick large cases would require quite a bit of work to change back and forth from.
with the proper attitude, trim and rigging sling bottles don't add that much extra drag..

Wearing 1 sling bottle in general is worse than adding 2 unless you have something else to offset the weight..
The key is to keey the bottles rigged ain a manner where the are very close to the body.. I see too many people wearing slings that hang down too far..In the beginniong it maty be necessary to keep the bottles a little farther off your body until you get 100% confortable with puting them on and taking them off in water while swimming.. On my own slings I use the smallest clips possible and my bottles are right up against my body..

Also short bottles don't stay in place well thats why I recommend 40s as slings they are long enough so the stay where you put them.. short bottles like 30s and (19s which are useless) tend to move around and end up directly below you..

I have been in heavy currents with students on OC and twins while I was on My RB and they were having difficulty keeping up with me, so techniques does have alot to do with it..

Don't depend on your inboard as bailout.. thats not redundancy.. Always carry at least 1 sling DECO or Not... The sooner you get used to it the easier it becomes...

Also look at the way I dive my rig when I am doing penetrations wher I dont want to carry Slings..

... after all the fun I had on your expense ...
Sling bottles would only be used for the occassional deco dive, whereas most dives would be no deco, so those nice trick large cases would require quite a bit of work to change back and forth from.
I asume a bigger case for the Inspiration bits and an Evo for those rec profiles is out. :sad:

But Joe has a point. Streamline the extra tanks.
Think caving. Think sidemounting. :D
Sidemount harnesses have the tanks mounted fairly low, pretty much under your arms but in line with your body. Very streamlined to get through tight and/or through high flow passages.

If you can't rig it with your Inspiration a sepeprate harness might work.
Duncan Price, a caver from England has a page on the subject on his website:

Curt Bowen makes the Armadillo, here an article from his ADM magazine:
The Armadillo is actually a sidemount BC rather than a harness, but the graphics & images illustrate the attachment points very well. Also, single tanks as well as RB can and have been mounted to the back of it.

The enclosed picture is from the 1st listed ADM article in the free download area, the article is the same as armadillo.html link above.
As suggested by PSP and "The Mystical Seeker of Caves", rearranging your harness to tuck one or two side bottles (as appropriate) will help a lot.

When I changed over to a backplate and harness on my Yellow Box of Debt, I put an SS 45 degree D-ring just below each shoulder, and a 90 degree D-ring just aft of each hip-bone. With an SS dog-leash clip (bolt-snap, insert favorite term, whatever) at the neck ring, and one about a third of the way up from the base of the cylinder, they stay tight to the body as PSP suggested. Use the longer, and thinner tanks for less gas, as opposed to short fat ones. Just clip on what you need and go. If you are not using side-tanks on a particular dive, the D-rings are handy for anything else, such as camera attachment points, etc.

Just a suggestion. BJD :anakinpod
Yes the lungs on Daves unit are prototypes, they are back side counterlungs and tuck into his wing. They really free up the front but WOB is higher. Apart from the clutter you really cant beat Other the shoulder lungs for all round WOB at any angle

Anyone who knows Dave will know he is always tinkering and changing stuff. Good thing too otherwise we wouldn't have Inspirations to start with. Every time I dive with him his kit has something new on it. The good bit is that I get to play with it as well :irazz:
Yes the lungs on Daves unit are prototypes, they are back side They really free up the front but WOB is higher.

Thanks mole. Is it significantly higher, or is it academic?? I like the tidiness of the backmouted lung units like the KISS - but always wondered if the increase in WOB is a big deal or not.

Has anybody dived both configurations and can enlighten me?

(sorry for the hi-jack)
I'll see if I can get Dave Himself to visit and answer that. The horses mouth so to speak

I just hope he slows down tinkering. All his new inventions and ideas are costing me a fortune and its his bloody fault I ended up with a Land Rover to transport all my diving junk!!!! :biggrin2:

Still it does have compensations cos you can do this Playing Saturday between dives with it and not have to worry about Sorb and Mix. Cant go as deep though. Current max depth is about 0.5m till I move the inhalation side up a bit :snorkel:

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