Suunto Vyper **SERIOUS BUG** in CNS O2 computation

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Hey guys! How about you take a break and..., I don't know, maybe... go diving?
water in Atlanta, but we're going out in the AM to go shoot some fish.

With my Vytec :)

Oh, for grins and giggles I'm going to intentionally take the Vyper with me if I can figure out how to insure I don't lose the capsule, take it down with me, and set it for a FO2 and setpoint so I run into the 1.4 - 1.6 window, but with the setpoint at 1.6, intentionally, on one of my dives - with every expectation that it will tox out.

It'll tox out, I'll download the profile, and then Jamiei will have to admit he's been wrong for flaming me.... :)
Genesis once bubbled...
I could not do the dives that I do today using only tables.

At least not the way they're taught by NAUI/SSI/PADI, etc. In fact, I am "off the charts" regularly on my tables (I do run them as backup) when I do my dives, and since nobody seems to be willing to publish the "radical" ways that people talk about computing on-the-fly NDLs and deco schedules, there's no reason to believe they are anything other than one person's view into what has (so far) worked for them.

Keep searching. The internet is full of radical ideas. You'll find it eventually.
but a "radical idea" without the backing of some group who can point to some actual studies (or a nice, big, database of actual dives done in testing) is just an anecdote, and I don't want a chamber ride THAT badly.

The ugly part of this from my perspective is that even the "Kool Aid" folks who promote this, and even who represent this agency, won't publish their claimed methods.

NAUI/SSI/PADI/YMCA/etc all publish THEIR claimed methods. They put their corporate arse on the line by doing so, in that even if you couldn't sue them their reputation is attached to their claimed "safe methods" (ok, "safer" methods)

GUE won't even go that far - they refuse to put their claimed methods out there where you can actually look at and evaluate them, test against software like VPlan and computer model simulations, or against actual runtime profiles, and attempt to come to a reasoned conclusion as to their relative safety and applicability to you as a diver.

Some random "whacko" posting a method that he claims hasn't bent him (yet) isn't good enough for me.... and I suspect its not good enough for you either :)
jamiei once bubbled...
just one more comment and I'm finished...

Can't anyone say anything around here without being attacked?

jamiei, it's good we have people around here like you to keep us all honest. You seem to be the one doing all the b^tching, dude.
Give it a rest! You are clouding the waters with all your thrashing about, wa, wa, wa!!!

You obviously don't like Genesis, with all the trouble you went to to pull up excerpts from other threads, why don't you just put him on your "ignore" list, like a grown up person, and move on.:confused:

PS. you should all throw out those computers, and use your brains!
You also dive regularly with an uncertified diver by your own admission... How much trouble is it for him to get certified? Probably not as much trouble as it is to secure fills and actually go diving other than on a friends boat. I guess you provide all his fills for him though... No matter how experienced a person is or isn't, they need to be certified to dive... If he does it, someone else will think its ok and then you end up having a lot of uncertified divers that shouldn't be diving. zero tolerance... everyone should have training... just something else that is wacked about you

Your libel is noted and has been reported.

I do not fill this gentleman's tanks. I would not irrespective of any other consideration, given that they're the exploding-kind-of-alloy (he dives the triple AL30, with manifold, that US Divers/Cousteau tried to sell for a few years a LONG time ago, with a custom backpack, but it proved too expensive for the market.) Where he buys his gas (he dives Nitrox) is none of my damn business. He's a friend, and I am not his Dive Nazi nor his nanny. He HAS been diving for close to longer than I've been breathing air though. As in "before there WAS certification."

The rest of your off-topic rant has been ignored. If you wish to rant about other off-topic matters, start a new thread.

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