Surface Interval Scuba?

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Ok let’s continue on. First Alan, Does not posting things you have not verified to be true only land yourself in the same shoes as the person you read it from? Just a thought; no attack intended. However, I do see the same trend you spoke of in your own situation. Then to Crazyduck, I was not attacking you either, simply stating the obvious. If you’re gonna post then it is your responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the information. No where and I mean no where did I ever post a planned depth in this dive. While one did exist, it was never posted. Never stated people speak in tongues just too quick to post the story and never verify its source. With regard to Mr. Noe, he has jumped to assumptions and has thrown himself into the position he is now stuck in. If anyone cares to read the response to his "complaint", it is now up on cave diver forum. This is all nothing more then a bruised EGO! So crazyduck, don't take my advise so personal. Just don't be the one lending a hand to the already bad reputation this board has. Like I said, I tend to spend my time diving not prying into or concerning myself with the ongoings of others. (Is it really all that bad that I am the talk of the town?) I will take it all in stride. Thanks BTW for the concern over my diving. Yes it is dangerous even if planned correctly. That is why I carry multiple plans, plan my gas way over the needed quantities and run through the “what if's” for days prior. These are not the load up Saturday morning and go diving dives. They take weeks if not months to plan. But unlike Chuck, I will speak to anyone who bothers to inquire about my dives. Before or after. All I ask is you guys get it from me instead of jumping to conclusions so we all look like amateurs. As to FixxerVI6, if you need specific information, please email directly. I would rather not post information here out of respect for the recreational dive community. Last thing I need is someone misconstruing or attempting what I post. I hope you understand. Perhaps this will clear up some of the issues and allow me to get back to business. I just refuse to spend my time posting frivolous information about others.
Steve, I thank you direct for your replies......but I want to to also remind the you/reads my remarks were in the form of 'questions' and not my own assumed information or facts, just questions of data I had picked up on via word of mouth or's hard at times for reasons to verify all info. before turning it into a question.

I will agree this board has a bad reputation as a rumor mill and I try not to play into that area.

***I did ask a question of you on what injury/illness Lesley suffered (?).... I only have met her twice but I wish her all the best!

I hope you accomplished in your dive what goals you set out to achieve.

In knowing a few of the Board members I will not comment on their published 'warning' and statement.

Steve, thanks for any comments on Lesley you wish to add and about the actual dive for us techies that are really interested in these things.
No I will not post anything about Lesley. As for the publihed warning statement, is this the rules you refered to? Warning statement does not equal rules. There are warning statement on cigarettes but no rules as far as you smoking them! Please! If you know this board has a bad reputation then why do you spend so much time here? Seems to me you would rather come along and do some diving with us and at least you would gain some truthful information to post!
Thanks for such a kind reply. :shocked2:

I have been polite and wishing the 'best to you' even before all this stuff of yours's not I or others with the issues, it's you.

As to my diving, I choose not to dive with your group for various reasons which by your reply supports some of them.

I understand fully the diff. between rules and warnings..... ! By me not expanding to the Boards statement/Warning does not mean I fully agree with it, just that I persl. know a few on the board and I chose not to comment on that issue.

***It's your choice not to discuss Lesley, but I do 'wish her the best in her recovery'.
In fact, this would be my 2nd set of dives in the system.

So you (or a member of your team) attempted (or achieved) a North American record class dive with only one prior trip to the system? (As Alan has tried to point out multiple times this is a question, not a statement. Just wondering because this is what it sounds like from your post.)

The point is guys, I do not care what you post as long as it contains the truth.

I guess opinion is no longer welcome on the boards. Pity, I've actually learned some things in the past 7 years here.
Well we all see where opinions can lead. It is not the question I am concerned about but the issues it has caused because of poor judgment of the post. There is reference to the source being unreliable but yet it is posted anyway. Then there is another statement about not adding to the bad reputation of the board. Maybe I should cut his cake as he eats it? (Yes that is a question so I hope it is ok to post?). The underlying problem is the post has lead to assumptions on others' parts and basically fueled a fire. As for the North American record class dive, again another assumption. But since you posted it in question form it will be ok too. We were not after a record dive but a personal knowledge gain (see your own quote). Speaking of knowledge does anyone currently posting here have any first hand knowledge or is this still just a gossip party?

BTW, here are some quotes of yours:


Why would anyone want to dive beyond recreational limits?
Some say it's dangerous. It takes lots of experience, heavy and extremely expensive equipment, and intensive training. It requires a dedication to diving beyond what many people are willing to devote. Technical divers are pushing the edges of known territory, discovering and exploring where no one has gone before. Tech divers are extending our knowledge of the underwater world. The information they reveal helps us to further our knowledge of history, document and map the world in which we live, and discover the future of underwater exploration.

Texas Cave Diving

Texas has a strong community of cave divers who are exploring some very exciting cave systems. Diving in a cave requires permission from the landowner due to liability laws. Even caves that are owned by an organization are usually very strict about admission requirements.

Just trying to understand where your coming from if you are so big on pushing limits? I really like the landowner thing considering GS is public. Or did I miss something somewhere?
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Trent was schedule in the shop had issues very reliable sure it was unavoidable

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

The original question in this thread has been answered. If anyone wishes to continue the current off topic conversation, keep it civil.
Ok as the op think at is time it would better for all if we change this thread from beating a dead horse to just bury it completley, lockit or whatever you want to call itand put a stop to the madness. I have less than a hundred dives so i usually come here to learn things or find out about local happenings not to see a virtual boxing match via words on a screen. so please end this thread if possible. and if some wnat to continue the can do so in pm's:shakehead:
OK, guys, I was going to stay out of this, but I'm feeling like Steve is getting the short end of the stick from all directions. This info is "straight from the horse's mouth," so to speak, as I was in somewhat on planning the trip and was with them this weekend at Lake Amistad.

First, Steve gave the GSEP folks every courtesy before heading down to Del Rio last week. I've seen the emails and Chuck was given every opportunity to ask them to hold off. His Complaint that was posted all over the freaking Internet is complete nonsense and full of false and unfounded accusations. He even went as far to say that dive operations by GSEP were suspended because of Steve's trip. What a bunch of bs! They suspend operations every winter because they only dive wet. That's just the tip of the ice berg. Check out Steve's response, and be sure to read the emails, on the Cave Diving forum.

Secondly, you aren't going to find a pair of more qualified people to dive GES. These guys have hundreds upon hundreds of hours diving caves. We're not talking about little 1200' penetrations here either. They planned extensively for this dive and put a lot of effort and money into the trip only to have Chuck come off like all was well and then pull his mooring line and cave line. No one would be upset about the line being pulled either. It's the fact that he made everyone think they had his cooperation only to go down there and find those things gone. What Chuck did was nothing short of a cowardly sucker punch.

Ughhh...I'm so sick of Chuck Noe's nonsense I can't even go on. It's just getting me all wound up. I volunteered to help those yahoos out at one point, but I'd rather have to dive my bathtub for the rest of my life than lend them a hand now. That's how disgusted I am with what they did last week.

The bottom line is that Steve has nothing but respect for GSEP's work, as do I. Nothing was going to happen this weekend to compromise any of their efforts. Everyone on the team appreciates what GSEP has done at Goodenough over the past decade. However, it is NOT Chuck Noe's cave. It is on public land and is therefore open to the public. Steve's team was courteous and respectful only to be publically slammed for what I can only believe are reasons of ego...and that my friends is the truth.
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