Hi Lexy,
You've received some great responses, so I won't bore you with a lengthy response.

The best tip I can give you, and one I learned from my dive buddy Divinman, is to clip off your fins as soon as you take them off. I have two clips on my BC. I take off a fin, then clip it off. Take off the other one, and clip it off. Mask is on my face and reg in my mouth until I back into waist high or shallower water, then mask is lowered around my neck and the reg is clipped off to my BC also. I never hold anything in my hands when I enter or exit, everything is clipped off until needed and reclipped when I'm done with it.
Although this is longer than planned

, just another quick thought. I try to swim in on the bottom until I reach 4' or so. If that's not possible, I kick in until I can comfortably stand up, not just on my toes or in neck deep water, then back in until it's safe to remove my fins. If a big wave is incoming, I simply drop down below it (the same as entering) then stand up and continue my progress.